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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Vor 11 Stunden · WASHINGTON, July 2 — Steve Bannon, an influential Donald Trump ally, reported to prison yesterday to serve a four-month sentence after he was convicted for defying a congressional subpoena from the committee that probed the January 6, 2021, US Capitol attack. A defiant Bannon arrived at a low-security federal prison in Danbury, Connecticut ...

  2. Vor 11 Stunden · David Dee Delgado/Getty Images. (WASHINGTON) — Former Trump adviser Steve Bannon surrendered on Monday to law enforcement to begin his four-month prison sentence for contempt of Congress. He entered the Federal Correctional Institute Danbury, in Danbury, Connecticut, shortly before noon to begin serving his sentence.

  3. Vor 11 Stunden · Steve Bannon inizierà a scontare una pena detentiva di 4 mesi per aver disobbedito a un mandato di comparizione del Congresso. Steve Bannon, ex stratega della Casa Bianca di Donald Trump, dovrà presentarsi lunedì in una prigione federale a Danbury, nel Connecticut, per iniziare a scontare una condanna di quattro mesi per aver sfidato un mandato di comparizione del Congresso.

  4. Vor 11 Stunden · Steve Bannon începe să execute o pedeapsă de 4 luni într-o închisoare federală pentru că a sfidat citația Congresului. Steve Bannon, un fost strateg de la Casa Albă Donald Trump, s-a prezentat luni la o închisoare federală din Danbury, Connecticut, pentru a începe o sentință de patru luni pentru că a sfidat o citație a Congresului.

  5. Vor 11 Stunden · Steve Bannon, ancien stratège de la Maison Blanche de Donald Trump, doit se présenter lundi à la prison fédérale de Danbury, dans le Connecticut, pour commencer à purger une peine de quatre mois pour avoir défié une assignation à comparaître du Congrès.

  6. Vor 2 Stunden · Steve Bannon says his enemies ‘are going to need the prayers’ The video showed the 70-year-old political strategist asking the priest if he wanted to say anything. The priest replied, "He agrees with his positions” and also added that he's from "St Ignatius Retreat House, 15 miles away.

  7. Vor 11 Stunden · Steve Bannon, były strateg Białego Domu i szef kampanii Donalda Trumpa stawił się w poniedziałek w więzieniu federalnym w Connecticut. Rozpoczął odsiadywanie wyroku za odmowę złożenia ...