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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Ruprecht-Karls University (D HEIDELB01) currently has approx. 800 subject agreements with approx. 300 European partner universities. Erasmus grant recipients are selected by their home university. Every year over 700 Heidelberg students and over 500 visiting students take advantage of the Erasmus Programme at Heidelberg University.

  2. All Subjects. With a spectrum of more than 180 degree programmes, the Heidelberg University offers an almost unique variety of subject combination options in Germany. Inform: Each subject presents itself with its focus, features and characteristics. Combine: Individual subjects can be collected in a watch list and combined into degree programmes.

  3. The Medical Faculty in Heidelberg is one of the oldest medical faculties in Germany, with an international reputation. Students benefit from outstanding opportunities for study and research. The degree programme in Medicine lasts for a minimum of six years and three months and consists in three training phases: Preclinical study. Clinical study.

  4. Incoming. Heidelberg University has been working closely with other European universities since the inception of the ERASMUS programme in 1987. Every year about 500 students come to Heidelberg to study thanks to the ERASMUS programme. In turn, at least the same number of students from Heidelberg goes abroad to study at other European universities.

  5. International Studies. Studying, researching, working abroad: Heidelberg University offers a variety of opportunities for students to study abroad and thus promotes global exchange. Every semester, Heidelberg University welcomes foreign students from various countries. Incomings have the opportunity to study and conduct research in Heidelberg.

  6. Die Computerlinguistik in Heidelberg legt Wert auf eine praxisnahe Ausbildung der Studierenden und auf eine frühzeitige Einbindung in die Forschung am Institut. Diese Kenntnisse kommen den Studierenden sowohl bei Beschäftigungen in der Industrie als auch in der Forschung zu Gute. Die praxisnahe Ausbildung wird durch verpflichtende ...

  7. Master. Das Masterstudium ist ein weiterführendes Studienangebot, das in der Regel nach dem Abschluss des Bachelorstudiums absolviert werden kann, aber auch nach anderen Abschlüssen grundständiger Studiengänge. Es ist i.d.R. auf vier Semester angelegt, kann aber in einzelnen Fällen auch zwei oder drei Semester umfassen, und endet meistens ...