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  1. › wiki › 感謝祭感謝祭 - Wikipedia

    感謝祭 (かんしゃさい)または サンクスギビング ( 英語: Thanksgiving Day )とは、 アメリカ合衆国 や カナダ などで祝われる 祝日 のひとつ。. Thanksgiving と略称されたり、あるいは 七面鳥 の日( Turkey Day )と呼んだりもする [1] 。. アメリカでは毎年 11月 の ...

  2. 29. Nov. 2023 · This three-day feast is considered the ”first” Thanksgiving celebration in the colonies. However, there were other recorded ceremonies of thanks on these lands. In 1565, Spanish explorers and the local Timucua people of St. Augustine, Florida, celebrated a mass of thanksgiving. In 1619, British settlers proclaimed a day of thanksgiving when they reached a site known as Berkeley Hundred on ...

  3. Thanksgiving Day is an annual national holiday in the United States and Canada celebrating the harvest and other blessings of the past year. Variations of the holiday are celebrated in the Caribbean and elsewhere.

  4. 1777 ( USA) 1872 ( Canada ) Il Giorno del ringraziamento ( Thanksgiving Day in inglese ), o brevemente il Ringraziamento, è una festa nazionale celebrata in varie date in Canada, Stati Uniti, Grenada, Saint Lucia, Liberia e ufficiosamente in Brasile e le Filippine, in segno di gratitudine per le benedizioni del raccolto e dell'anno precedente.

  5. 15. Nov. 2023 · Thanksgiving Day nutzen Familien in den USA traditionell, um einen Tag lang inne zu halten und sich für die guten Dinge im Leben zu bedanken. Und wie bei großen Familienfesten üblich, spielt Essen dabei eine wichtige Rolle. Zu Gründungszeiten war Truthahn in Nordamerika eine Nahrungsquelle, die durch die kargen Wintermonate half. Schon beim ...

  6. On Thanksgiving Day, when most Americans enjoy a holiday meal with friends and family and give thanks for the good things in their lives, many also take time to prepare and serve meals to the needy. Others donate to food drives, work at food warehouses or deliver groceries to soup kitchens, churches and other charitable groups.

  7. Thanksgiving Day, U.S. and Canadian holiday. In the U.S. Thanksgiving is modeled on a harvest feast shared by the English colonists (Pilgrims) of Plymouth and the Wampanoag people in 1621. It is intended to celebrate the blessings of the past year. Thanksgiving Day became an official U.S. holiday in 1863, and in 1942 the federal government designated the fourth Thursday in November as ...