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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Merton’s student-run biology society, the Tinbergen Society, holds a variety of events, social activities and talks throughout the year, which are ever popular. Merton provides generous academic grants and funding for field trips, research projects and travel. Merton is the college of the Linacre Chair of Zoology, Professor Peter Holland.

  2. Merton law school is a friendly, close-knit community comprising students studying for the 3-year BA in Jurisprudence, the 4-year Law with Law Studies in Europe (France, Germany, Italy, Spain, or the Netherlands), and graduate students. There are roughly equal numbers of men and women, and students come from a wide range of backgrounds and ...

  3. Aside from Professor Sir Andrew Wiles, current eminent mathematicians at Merton include Professor Ulrike Tillmann, an expert in Topology; Emeritus Professor of Logic Boris Zilber; Professor Artur Ekert, a specialist in quantum computation, and Emeritus Professor Dominic Welsh, an expert in discrete mathematics who has written several books for ...

  4. Das Merton College ist derzeit für allgemeine Besucher geschlossen, aber Mitglieder der Öffentlichkeit sind jederzeit zu Gottesdiensten und Veranstaltungen in der Kapelle willkommen. Die Chöre sind außergewöhnlich gut, ebenso die Orgel, sodass sich ein Abstecher zum Abendgesang (Di bis Do um 615 ) oder zum Orgelkonzert (Do um 115 ) lohnt. Genießen Sie die Architektur genauso wie die Musik.

  5. Merton College Tickets und Führungen einfach online kaufen - Zeit & Geld sparen. Vorab buchen - Plätze sichern - Tickets sofort erhalten Oxford genießen!

  6. 墨顿学院的创立可以追溯到1264年,时任大不列颠大法官(Lord Chancellor)的W·墨顿(Walter de Merton)决定创立一个独立的学术组织并设立基金会、制定相关条例,这也就是墨顿学院的雏形。这一条例的特点在于,规定墨顿学院是自治的,资金也由院长和院士们直接支配,这正是今天牛津大学多数独立 ...

  7. Merton College, the first fully self-governing college of the University of Oxford, was founded in 1264 by Walter de Merton, sometime Chancellor of England and later Bishop of Rochester. This community of scholars formed the model for all subsequent Oxford and Cambridge colleges. Since then, the college has fostered generations of academic and ...