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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Barnard college is one of the most unique college experiences that exist- partly because of it's location in NYC, partly because of the affiliation with Columbia, and partly because of its existence as a women's college. Being a part of Columbia is fantastic, but by also being part of a close knit liberal arts college, Barnard offers a much more supportive environment for it's students. Also ...

  2. Barnard is the only women’s college, and one of the only small liberal arts colleges nationwide, to offer NCAA Division I athletics. Under the Columbia-Barnard Athletics Consortium, Barnard scholar-athletes compete alongside Columbia undergraduates on 16 teams in the NCAA Division I and the Ivy League.

  3. About Us. Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies Mission. Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies is an interdisciplinary department for students who wish to explore gender and its relation to other axes of power: race, class, ethnicity, and sexuality. We use these concepts to analyze human experience in its bodily, political, economic and ...

  4. In accordance with the mission of Barnard College, the political science department aims to create a community of teachers and students committed to intellectual discovery, rigorous analysis, and independent thought. The department's courses emphasize reflection, discussion, deliberation and intensive interactions between faculty members and students. The Barnard political science department ...

  5. Als College für Frauen nimmt Barnard seine Verantwortung wahr, Fragen des Geschlechts in all ihrer Komplexität und Dringlichkeit anzusprechen und den Studenten zu helfen, die persönliche Stärke zu erreichen, die es ihnen ermöglicht, die Herausforderungen zu meistern, denen sie im Laufe ihres Lebens begegnen werden. Barnard befindet sich in der kosmopolitischen Umgebung von New York City ...

  6. Mission Statement. Barnard College aims to provide the highest-quality liberal arts education to promising and high-achieving young women, offering the unparalleled advantages of an outstanding residential college in partnership with a major research university. With a dedicated faculty of scholars distinguished in their respective fields ...

  7. Das Barnard College, 1889 gegründet, ist ein unabhängiges College der liberal arts und Wissenschaften für Frauen in New York City. Obwohl es mit der Columbia University kooperiert, hat Barnard seinen eigenen Campus, Lehrkörper, Verwaltung, Aufsichtsrat, Haushalt und Finanzausstattung.