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  1. Alexander Freiherr von Falkenhausen wird am 28. Oktober 1878 in Blumenthal geboren. Als Spross einer aristokratischen Familie ist ihm eine militärische Karriere vorbestimmt. Nach einem Aufenthalt in der Kadettenschule von Wahlstatt tritt er im Jahr 1897 dem 91. Infanterieregiment in Oldenburg als Unterleutnant bei.

  2. 26. Juli 2021 · Alexander von Falkenhausen starb am 31. Juli 1966 im Alter von 87 Jahren. Er war zuletzt bettlägerig und nahezu vollständig erblindet. Seine letzten Lebensjahre wurde er von Cécile liebevoll gepflegt. Mit höchsten militärischen Ehren wurde er auf dem Nassauer Friedhof beigesetzt. Seinen umfangreichen Nachlass übergab Cécile an das Militärarchiv in Freiburg.

  3. Falkenhausen, General Alexander von (1878–1966) in The Oxford Companion to World War II Length: 139 words. (1878–1966),German Army officer who was Chiang Kai-shek's military adviser during the 1930s. After Belgium and France were occupied in 1940, he became the German military governor of occupied Belgium ...

  4. 8. Jan. 2022 · Alexander von Falkenhausen led Turks against the British and Chinese Nationalists against the Japanese, spared Belgian hostages and conspired in Adolf Hitler’s assassination Jonathan Fenby, Chiang Kai-shek’s British biographer, called Alexander von Falkenhausen “a First World War veteran with a vulturelike head and pince-nez.”

  5. 28. Apr. 2017 · With Falkenhausen gone, the Chinese still had at least one other German on their side: John Rabe, a German businessman and card-carrying member of the Nazi Party. Rabe was there when the Nanking Massacre began. All around him, Japanese soldiers started slaughtering hundreds of thousands of innocent people, desecrating their bodies, raping at ...

  6. Ernst Alexander Alfred Herrmann von Falkenhausen was born in Germany from a line of Bavarian officers. He was the nephew of Ludwig von Falkenhausen, the German Governor General of Belgium during WW1. He entered military academy in 1897 and was later commissioned as a second lieutenant in the German Army in 1897.

  7. Falkenhausen was born in Guben. His parents were the Prussian Lieutenant-General D. Alexander von Falkenhausen (1821–1889) and his wife Catherine née Rouanet (1825–1907). Falkenhausen first attended a private school in Berlin and then, from May 1856, was a Cadet in Potsdam at the age of 11. In 1859, he moved to the main military academy in ...