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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Antiochos III. ( altgriechisch Ἀντίοχος Antíochos; * 242 v. Chr.; † Juni/Juli 187 v. Chr. bei Susa ), bekannt als Antiochos der Große, war von 223 bis 187 v. Chr. König des Seleukidenreiches und einer der bedeutendsten hellenistischen Herrscher. Er war ein Sohn von Seleukos II. und jüngerer Bruder von Seleukos III., dessen ...

  2. Seleucus IV Philopator (Greek: Σέλευκος Φιλοπάτωρ; c. 218 – 3 September 175 BC), ruler of the Hellenistic Seleucid Empire, reigned from 187 BC to 175 BC over a realm consisting of Syria (now including Cilicia and Judea), Mesopotamia, Babylonia and Nearer Iran (Media and Persia).

  3. Seleucus (Greek: Seleukos), name of seven kings of the Seleucid empire. Four of them ruled over Iran: Seleucus I Nicator. Seleucus II Callinicus. Seleucus III Soter. Seleucus IV Philopator. SELEUCUS I Nicator (r. 312-281 BCE; Figure 1 ), the founder of the Seleucid empire, who succeeded in re-uniting the greater part of the former Achaemenid ...

  4. AE18 246-225BC Seleucid Kingdom Seleukos II Kallinikos AE18 Apollo standing left VF. 49,00 EUR 44,10 EUR Differenzbesteuert nach §25a UStG. zzgl. 10,00 EUR Versand. Lieferzeit: 5 - 8 Tage. Artikel ansehen. NB. Seleukiden. Bronze 246-226 Seleukos II Kallinikos 246-226 ss. 40,00 EUR Differenzbesteuert nach §25a UStG.

  5. Seleukos II only averted total disaster through hard fighting and with the fortuitous assistance of a native uprising in Egypt. After Ptolemy's withdrawal from the field Seleukos foolishly tired to press his luck by attacking Ptolemaic possessions in Koile-Syria. His army was soundly beaten for its trouble, thus at last bringing the Laodikean War to conclusion. However, the violence engendered ...

  6. › SeleukosIIISeleukos III Soter

    Born to Seleukos II Kallinikos and Laodike, the daughter of Achaios, around 245 BC, Seleukos III found himself facing the daunting task of restoring to his empire the lands lost by Antiochos Hierax. At the age of twenty-five and despite a weak constitution, Seleukos raised an army for the unavoidable clash with Attalos I of Pergamon. At the same time his younger brother, Antiochos III, was ...

  7. 2 Edwyn Robert Bevan, The House of Seleucus, 2 Bde., London 1902; Auguste Bouché-Leclercq, Histoire des Séleucides (323–64 avant J.-C.), 2 Bde., Paris 1913/14. 3 Zum Beispiel Seleukos Nikator. Building a Hellenistic Kingdom, London 1990; The Roman War of Antiochos the Great, Leiden 2002; The Syrian Wars, Leiden 2010.