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  1. George Maciunas as Art Historian. In the chart, George Maciunas’s wonderful graphic sensibility met his ambitious approach to art history. Maciunas had studied art history at New York’s Institute of Fine Arts in the late 1950s, where his interest in charting and mapping connections was already evident. His art history notes from that period ...

  2. But in his work for Fluxus George Maciunas not only took an “art attitude” toward every aspect of daily living, but, by inversion, was also willing to transform even seeming trivialities into esthetic fodder. The literature, performances, and objects of Fluxus are rife with examples of such material as treated by a variety of artists; but by force of training as well as by personality ...

  3. 31. Dez. 2016 · George Maciunas, a consummate control freak by reputation, managed all of the aspects of the cooping process from finding the buildings, to selling the units, to renovating them. He was not, however, doing this for profit, as he always only broke even or even lost part of his investments in these conversions that he offered at impossibly low prices. Maciunas was able to work on a shoestring by ...

  4. Two years after the 1963 Manifesto, George Maciunas produced another manifesto, significantly different in tone. But in this new statement Henry Flynt’s ideas once again seem evident. Maciunas introduces the topic of “Fluxamusement,” which appears to be an adaptation of Flynt’s “Veramusement,” one of the “successive formulations ...

  5. Play. "George - the Story of George Maciunas and Fluxus, like its Fluxus subject, is playful and prankish" - New York Times. . "An always colorful look at a short but exuberant career of avant-garde utopianism" - Hollywood Reporter. “Visually friendly narrative that conveys the complexities and battles of the ’60s art world” - Brooklyn Rail.

  6. For the 2015 edition, Frieze commemorated the Flux-Labyrinth, a room-filling installation conceived by the artist George Maciunas in 1974. Not unlike Matta-Clark’s FOOD, Maciunas’s Flux-Labyrinth was a project that was firmly rooted in the artists’ colony of SoHo. Whereas the 2015 recreation of the original Flux-Labyrinth included many of ...

  7. George Maciunas «Fluxkit» Under the Fluxus label, George Maciunas marketed through the mail a wide range of objects made by other artists. 'Fluxkit' is a representative selection of these objects, and encompasses the range of forms in which Fluxus editions were issued: graphical scores for events, interactive boxes and games, journals and films.