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  1. Voluntary manslaughter (deutsch ~ ‚Totschlag im Affekt‘) bezeichnet im englischen Strafrecht einen Straftatbestand für Tötungsdelikte.Wegen voluntary manslaughter ist zu verurteilen, wer eigentlich Mord begangen hat, aber die defence (~ ‚Verteidigungseinrede‘) diminished responsibility (~ ‚verringerte Verantwortlichkeit‘, s. 2 Homicide Act 1957, Fassung 2009), loss of control ...

  2. › wiki › ManslaughterManslaughter - Wikipedia

    Manslaughter – tipo di reato previsto dall'ordinamento penale statunitense e altri ordinamenti. Cinema. La corsa al piacere (Manslaughter) – film del 1922 diretto da Cecil B. DeMille; Manslaughter – film del 1930 diretto da George Abbott; Musica. Manslaughter – album dei Body Count del 2014

  3. › wiki › ManslaughterManslaughter - Wikipedia

    Manslaughter is a crime in the United States. Definitions can vary among jurisdictions, but the U.S. follows the general principle that manslaughter involves causing the death of another person in a manner less culpable than murder, and observes the distinction between voluntary and involuntary manslaughter.

  4. Oberbegriffe: [1] homicide. Beispiele: [1] She was accused with manslaughter. Sie war des Totschlages angeklagt. Charakteristische Wortkombinationen: [1] involuntary manslaughter (fahrlässige Tötung), to charge somebody with manslaughter (jemanden des Totschlags anklagen); voluntary manslaughter (Totschlag im Affekt)

  5. Homicide in English law. English law contains homicide offences – those acts involving the death of another person. For a crime to be considered homicide, it must take place after the victim's legally recognised birth, and before their legal death. There is also the usually uncontroversial requirement that the victim be under the "King's peace".

  6. The Seaman's Manslaughter Statute, codified at 18 U.S.C. § 1115, criminalizes misconduct or negligence that result in deaths involving vessels (ships and boats) on waters in the jurisdiction of the United States. [1] [2] The statute exposes three groups to criminal liability: ship's officers, such as captains, engineers, and pilots; those ...

  7. 1–2. 2–5. 5–10. 10–20. >20. Ein Tötungsdelikt ist im Strafrecht ein Tatbestand, der eine Tat gegen das Leben eines Menschen unter Strafe stellt. Die Tatbestandsbildung für die verschiedenen Tötungsdelikte unterscheidet sich von Rechtsordnung zu Rechtsordnung, insbesondere gibt es in vielen Rechtsauffassungen Tötungsdelikte, die kein ...