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  1. BACHELOR AND MORE: Sapienza University of Rome in Rom - Übersicht der Bachelorstudiengänge und Infos zum Bachelor-Studium

  2. 18. Sept. 2024 · The Department of Mathematics Guido Castelnuovo, University of Rome "La Sapienza" is one of the most important in Italy and holds a place of the highest order in the History of Mathematics. Even today, many teachers and researchers of the Department are internationally renowned scholars who continue an ancient tradition that began in 800. The ...

  3. Sapienza University collaborated with the Guardia di Finanza to produce a handbook on student housing in Rome. It contains invaluable guidelines on the different types of available contracts, accommodation offered by Roman universities and Laziodisu, fiscal subsidies, contract plans and housing funds for students, as well as a list of useful contacts.

  4. Apply for one of our international Master programs, all based in Rome at La Sapienza and offered by the Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences. As a Master's student, you will receive a world-class education in a broad and unique learning environment.

  5. Rom ist Standort vieler Universitäten und Hochschulen, die hier aufgelistet sind. Neben staatlichen italienischen Einrichtungen und Privatuniversitäten gibt es zahlreiche Päpstliche Universitäten und Institute in der Stadt, die nach den Lateranverträgen rechtlich zur souveränen Vatikanstadt gehören, auch wenn sie außerhalb deren Territoriums liegen.

  6. Die Universität/ Fakultät... wurde 1303 als päpstliche Ausbildungsstätte gegründet und erst 1870 verstaatlicht. Heute ist sie mit 140.000 Studierenden die größte Hochschule Europas und hat einen eigenen Stadt-Campus in Rom, die sog.

  7. The Sapienza University of Rome, originally named Studium Urbis, was founded in 1303 by Pope Boniface VIII, making it Rome’s oldest university. Its motto ‘Il futuro è passato qui’ translates as ‘the future was here.’ After relocating to a new building in 1660, the university began to be known as Sapienza because of the inscription on its main gate, which read ‘Initium Sapientiae ...