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  1. 24. Nov. 2023 · Die Hochkultur der Maya beherrschte einst weite Teile Mittelamerikas im heutigen Mexiko, Guatemala und Belize. Berühmt und gut erhalten sind vor allem ihre stufenförmigen Pyramiden – Zeugnisse einer beeindruckenden architektonischen Leistung und einer komplexen Religion. Archäologische Funde legen zudem nahe, dass die Maya einflussreiche Dynastien bildeten, die sich gegenseitig bekriegten ...

  2. 7. Juli 2012 · There were over 250 deities in the pantheon of the Maya and, owing to the mass burning of their books by Bishop Diego de Landa in 1562, much information about the gods (and Maya culture) was irretrievably lost. The Quiche Mayan religious text, the Popol Vuh, gives one set of names for the gods which the Yucatec Maya knew by other names.

  3. Mayan religion was deeply rooted in animism, the belief that all things possessed a spiritual essence. The Maya held a profound reverence for the natural world, considering both animate and inanimate objects as sacred. Their religious beliefs permeated every aspect of life, influencing societal structures, rituals, and worldview.

  4. 23. Mai 2024 · Pre-Columbian Mayan religion was polytheistic. Important gods included Itzamná, the supreme Mayan deity and original creator god who had several forms; the Feathered Serpent, known to the Maya as Kukulcán (and to the Toltecs and Aztecs as Quetzalcóatl); and Bolon Tzacab, who is thought to have functioned as a god of royal descent.

  5. 9. Apr. 2018 · Los mayas rindieron culto a las fuerzas de la naturaleza y les dieron nombres, sus principales dioses fueron: El creador, Dios del día, Hunab Ku, padre de Itzam Ná. Dios de la agronomía, la noche, los escritos y almanaques, Itzam Ná. Dios del sol, Kinich-Ahau. Diosa de la luna, Ixchel. Dios de la precipitación, Chac.

  6. 30. Aug. 2020 · 30.08.2020. UT. Video verfügbar bis 30.08.2030. Mehr von Terra X. Verborgen unter dem dichten Blätterdach des Regenwaldes von Guatemala liegen noch heute die Überreste der untergegangenen Maya ...

  7. Maya religion relies on an ecological worldview; the Maya envision themselves as embedded in an extended community which includes plants, animals, space, time, and numerous invisible forces such as the ancestors of their traditions. It is thought that certain places come to be imbued with special energies from previous use and from the presence of particular Nawales, spirits or energies that ...