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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Sidney Lumet was one of the finest craftsmen and warmest humanitarians among all film directors. He was not only a great artist but a much-loved man. When the news of his death at 86 arrived on Saturday, it came as a shock, because he had continued so long to be so productive.

  2. Sidney Lumet (1924–2011) was a director driven by stories of morality. Corrupt systems vs. brave protagonists, the worst of men pitted against the best, honesty in the face of hypocrisy—Lumet’s filmography reflects his dedication to championing what is true and what is just in this harsh world. “While the goal of all movies is to entertain,” Lumet wrote, “the kind of film in which ...

  3. 17 News-Artikel, die Sidney Lumet erwähnen. Deal. 18.02.2024 - 09:00 Uhr. Fast 3 Stunden langer Krimi-Kracher von Meisterregisseur beruht auf wahrer Geschichte: Nach über 40 Jahren gibt’s ihn ...

  4. 9. Apr. 2011 · In a directing career lasting more than half a century, Sidney Lumet enjoyed a reputation for examining justice and integrity in films ranging from 12 Angry Men to Dog Day Afternoon.

  5. I'm not belittling that. But I, from that kind of New York left wing upbringing, I look at the outside for sources of unhappiness. Whatever I'm contributing to it from my own psyche I don't think is very interesting to anyone, because it's not very interesting to me." --Sidney Lumet in Daily News, May 19, 1997.

  6. By Sidney Lumet ist ein Film von Nancy Buirski mit Sidney Lumet. Synopsis: In einem bis heute unveröffentlichten Interview führt uns Sidney Lumet einige Jahre vor seinem Tod durch sein bewegtes ...

  7. Lumet 1940-ben egy filmszerepben. Lumet édesapja Baruch Lumet színész ( 1898 – 1992 ), édesanyja Eugenia Wermus Lumet táncosnő. A kis Sidney négyéves korában lépett először színpadra a New York -i Zsidó Színházban. Az 1930-as évek közepétől a Broadway -n szerepelt, 1939 -ben filmszerepet is kapott (One Third of a Nation).