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  1. 13. Dez. 2021 · Milliardär, Ex-Playboy und Wohltäter. Karim Aga Khan IV. feiert den 85. Geburtstag – Er ist das geistliche Oberhaupt der Ismailiten. 2021-12-13 - Von Christoph Schmidt. BONN/LONDON (KNA) - Was gehört diesem Mann eigentlich nicht? Milliarden auf dem Konto, eine Insel in der Karibik, Yachten auf allen Weltmeeren und die religiöse Verehrung ...

  2. Lady Aly Shah (d. 1938) had given his name, Karim. He was born in the wake of cataclysm in the world. From the age of four years, he acquired the rudiments of formal education from Miss Doris Lyon, the governess and a friend of his family. During the Second World War (1939-1945), when his father, Prince Aly Salomone Khan had offered his ...

  3. 25. Aug. 2022 · Founded in 1983 by Prince Karim Aga Khan IV, Aga Khan University launched a medical college and a teaching hospital in Pakistan. The university grew to be international, and in 2004 established a teaching hospital in Nairobi and in 2016 another one in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. In 2002, the university established a campus in London dedicated to the study of the Muslim Civilizations. In 2015, the ...

  4. 1. Jan. 2018 · Shah Karim Al-Husseini Aga Khan IV is the 49th hereditary Imam (spiritual leader) of the Shia Imami Ismaili Muslims, a diverse group of Muslims who currently reside in over 25 countries with a large concentration in South Asia. He traces his direct lineage to the Prophet of Islam, Muḥammad, through the Prophet’s daughter Fāṭima and his ...

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    Karim Aga Khan IV. entstammt der geschichtsträchtigen Gemeinschaft der Ismailiten und wird von ihnen als Imam, also als Oberhaupt einer langwährenden religiösen Tradition und als direkter Nachkomme des Propheten Mohammed, verehrt. Heute werden die Ismailiten auf ca. 20 Millionen geschätzt, die auf 25 Länder verteilt sind. Karim Aga Kahn IV ...

  6. We go in search of the world’s most elusive billionaire, the 49th Imām, Prince Shah Karim al-Husseini, Aga Khan IV… Many of Harvard’s prestigious alumni have aspired to greatness. Yet few have ever been forced to assume a mantle of great responsibility before the ink dried on their studies ...

  7. 25. Sept. 2020 · Karim Aga Khan IV., 83, ist bekannt für seine sozialen Wohltaten, seine Vorliebe für den Pferderennsport - und für seine Verschwiegenheit. (Foto: Getty Images, Bearbeitung: SZ)