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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. The site of the ancient city of Stageira, home town of the philosopher Aristotle, is 700 metres south of the seaside village of Olympiada, on the northeast coast of the Halkidiki pensinsula. See the map of Macedonia below. Olympiada (Greek, Ολυμπιάδα; marked on some Greek maps as Olympias, Ολυμπιάς) is set in landscape typical ...

  2. Der griechische Philosoph und Mathematiker ARISTOTELES wurde 384 v.Chr. in Stagira geboren. Sein Vater NIKOMACHOS war Hofarzt des makedonischen Königs AMYNTAS II. und verstarb, als ARISTOTELES noch im Kindesalter war. Im Jahre 367 v.Chr. wurde ARISTOTELES ein Schüler PLATONS (427 bis etwa 347 v.Chr.) und blieb 20 Jahre lang an dessen Schule ...

  3. Stagira was an ancient Greek city whose site is located in the modern province of Central Macedonia, near the eastern coast of the peninsula of Chalkidice. It is chiefly known for being the birthplace of Aristotle, who was a Greek philosopher and polymath, a student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great. 2400 years after his birth, UNESCO honored his work and declared the years 2016 and ...

  4. 26. Sept. 2016 · Ancient Stagira. Ancient Stagira, the place where the great Greek philosopher Aristotle was born, is located approximately 500 meters southeast of the current Olympiada village, on a small, mountainous peninsula, which is called “Liotopi”. It was founded by Andrians settlers around 655 BC.

  5. STAGIRA je tým odborníků, ale hlavně srdcařů, kteří se věnují komplexně pozemnímu stavitelství. Spolupracujeme však dlouhodobě i s dalšími profesemi, jako např. dopravními inženýry, vodohospodáři, krajinnými inženýry a dalšími, abychom Vám dokázali poskytnout na Vašich projektech komplexní služby „na klíč“ od A do Z.

  6. 25. Sept. 2008 · 1. Aristotle’s Life. Born in 384 B.C.E. in the Macedonian region of northeastern Greece in the small city of Stagira (whence the moniker ‘the Stagirite’, which one still occasionally encounters in Aristotelian scholarship), Aristotle was sent to Athens at about the age of seventeen to study in Plato’s Academy, then a pre-eminent place of learning in the Greek world.