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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Student Selected Components (SSCs) are not currently offered to external students, but students at UK Medical Schools who are interested in undertaking a 4 week SSC at UCL may apply under the visiting elective scheme. Offers made will be subject to the same terms, conditions and fee rates, and students should ensure that any placement offered satisfies the SSC requirements of their own medical ...

  2. Electives are short-term placements where medical students can learn by assisting in real healthcare situations. Students have the option to complete an elective in the UK or abroad. These can be organised by the students themselves and usually take place as part of an ‘elective period’, often during the penultimate or final year of the ...

  3. Enjoy your elective. With enough planning, medical electives can be the highlight of undergraduate medical training. Follow these medical students and their elective journeys in Malta, Australia, New Zealand, the Himalayan region of India, and at home in the UK. Pick up tips and guidance to help plan your elective, and make the most of your ...

  4. Thank you for your interest in joining Essex & Herts Air Ambulance for your Student Selected Component (SSC)/elective placement. We welcome applications from UK-based student paramedics and medical students (year 4 onwards). Please note we can only accommodate placements of four to six continuous weeks and placements must form part of your official course curriculum.

  5. We’d be happy to talk about creating a custom medical student elective placement for you. Most of our staff have been volunteers themselves, so they’re well placed to answer your questions, big or small. 01273 007 230.

  6. Application Timelines. Applications for 2025 Inbound Elective placements will be open from Monday, 8 July 2024 until Friday, 27 September 2024. Please note: Each Clinical School offers limited elective placements and the Application Portal will be closed once we have reached capacity. The University of Sydney offers elective placements for ...

  7. Our elective placement is offered purely for observational purposes, in order to comply with occupational health and immigration requirements. As per page five of the Visiting Students’ Elective Programme Handbook, “students are only permitted to take one elective period at [Barts and the London] school during their medical training, and may take a placement in one specialty only”. This ...