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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Hinduism in England is the third largest religion in the country, with over 1,020,533 followers as of the 2021 census. This represents over 1.8% of the English population, up from 1.5% in 2011 and 1.1% in 2001. Hindus are predominantly in the cities of London and Leicester, where they make up greater proportions of the population.

  2. › wiki › Hindu_textsHindu texts - Wikipedia

    Hindu texts or Hindu scriptures are manuscripts and voluminous historical literature which are related to any of the diverse traditions within Hinduism. Some of the major Hindu texts include the Vedas, the Upanishads, and the Itihasa. Scholars hesitate in defining the term "Hindu scriptures" given the diverse nature of Hinduism, [1] [2] but ...

  3. 29. Juli 2009 · Hinduism is the religion of the majority of people in India and Nepal. It also exists among significant populations outside of the sub continent and has over 900 million adherents worldwide.

  4. In Buddhism and in Hinduism, a person's words, thoughts and actions form the basis for good and bad karma. Good deeds (good karmas) lead to good karmic results (Sanskrit: karma-phala, the fruits of karma) which can include the circumstances of one's future reincarnation. Likewise, evil actions might result in negative karmic consequences.

  5. Hinduism mostly shares common terms with the other Indian religions, including Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism. Islam shares common characteristics with Abrahamic religions –those religions claiming descent from the prophet Abraham –being, from oldest to youngest, Judaism, Christianity, Islam. The Qur'an is the primary Islamic scripture.

  6. Diet in Hinduism signifies the diverse traditions found across the Indian subcontinent. Hindu scriptures promote a vegetarian dietary ideal based on the concept of ahimsa —non-violence and compassion towards all beings. [1] According to a Pew Research Center survey, 44% of Hindus say they are vegetarian.

  7. Advaita – monistische Philosophie, Lehre von der Einheit des Göttlichen. Agni – Feuergott, vedische Gottheit. Agama – Texte des Shivaismus. Ahimsa – Gewaltlosigkeit. Amrita – Trank der Unsterblichkeit, Unsterblichkeit. Apasmara – zwergenhafter Dämon. Apsara – himmlische Nymphen in der indischen Mythologie.