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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. A graduate of the Faculty of Philosophy at the Jagiellonian University (she obtained her MA in Philosophy in 1934). Until the outbreak of World War II, and in the post-war period (until 1948), she taught mathematics at the Adam Mickiewicz Secondary School in Krakow. In the years 1939-1945 she was actively involved in didactic work in 4 secret teaching centers in Krakow.

  2. The Faculty of Philosophy is one of the oldest faculties of our university, founded in 1364. The A+ category was granted to the Faculty by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Study programmes conducted at the Faculty lead in rankings prepared by the Education Foundation “Perspektywy”, talented students win the prestigious Diamond Grant programme every year and succeed in Polish ...

  3. Jagiellonian University. Faculty of Philosophy. Institute of Psychology. Instytut Psychologii UJ. News. Defense of the doctoral dissertation of Paweł Gwiaździński. Read our papers. For students. Cancellation of Erasamus duty - Dr. Anna Wendołowska.

  4. Web Content Display Web Content Display. Studia I i II stopnia Read More

  5. The Centre for Comparative Studies of Civilisations at the Jagiellonian University is one of the few teaching-research units of this type in the world and the only one in Poland. We combine an interdisciplinary approach with practical knowledge of oriental languages (Japanese, Tibetan, Arabic and Hindi) based on the classical traditions of historical and archeological research as well as on ...

  6. Institute of Philosophy The Institute deals with all main philosophical disciplines: ontology, epistemology, ethics, esthetics, philosophy of culture, philosophy of science, history of philosophy, political philosophy, formal and philosophical logic, cognitive studies, history of logic, Polish, Russian and Far Eastern philosophy...

  7. 23. Apr. 2024 · Dyrekcja Instytutu Filozofii informuje, że 2 tura rejestracji (tylko zapisy) na kursy, które będą odbywały się w semestrze letnim, w roku akademickim 2023/2024 dla studentów kierunków: filozofia i kognitywistyka, zostanie uruchomiona 25.01.2024 r. o godz. 8:00 i trwać będzie do 24.02.2024 r. do godz. 23:59.