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  1. We are publishing here for the first time in English the Third Series of Economic Sophisms, which Bastiat had planned but died before he could complete the project.Both Economic Sophisms and What Is Seen and What Is Not Seen share similar stylistic features and were written with much the same purpose in mind, to disabuse people of misperceptions they might have had about the benefits of free ...

  2. Economic Sophisms * Frédéric Bastiat was born in Bayonne, France on June 29, 1801, the son of a wholesale merchant. However, Frédéric was orphaned at the age of nine and was brought up by his grandfather and his aunt. Bastiat lived in a revolutionary period. He was fourteen when Napoleon was defeated at Waterloo and exiled to St. Helena ...

  3. Bastiat’s “Economic Sophisms”, translated by Dr. Patrick James Stirling, were eagerly welcomed by students of political economy who were not really familiar with French. His object in this work was, as he says, “to refute the fallacies of the Protectionist School, then predominant in France, and to clear the way for the establishment of what he maintained to be the true system of ...

  4. Economic Sophisms by Author:Frédéric Bastiat. Introduction. Abundance, Scarcity →. ECONOMIC SOPHISMS. FIRST SERIES [1] INTRODUCTION. MY design in this little volume is to refute some of the arguments which are urged against the Freedom of Trade. I do not propose to engage in a contest with the protectionists; but rather to instil a ...

  5. Economic Sophisms von Frédéric Bastiat. Rechtliche Hinweise. Mit dem Abschicken dieser Anmeldung erlauben Sie uns, Sie regelmäßig und kostenlos per E-Mail und/oder per personalisierter Anzeige auf fremden Kanälen (z.B. über soziale Medien) über Themen rund um den Webshop (z.B. Produkte, (Buchhandlungs-)Aktionen, Gewinnspiele) sowie sortimentsnahe Angebote von unseren Partnern ...

  6. Economic Sophisms” for the April, July, and October 1845 issues of the Journal des Économistes.3 These became the first half of what was to appear in early 1846 as Economic Sophisms Series I. As articles continued to pour from the pen of Bastiat during 1846 and 1847 and were published in his own free trade journal Le Libre-