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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Gabrielle Giffords riceve l'abbraccio del Presidente Barack Obama. Dopo l'attentato, la Giffords intraprese un lungo e complesso percorso riabilitativo; i traumi cerebrali conseguenti alla sparatoria le provocarono una grave afasia e una paralisi al braccio destro e alla gamba destra, ma ciò non le impedì di tenere discorsi e apparizioni pubbliche.

  2. 11. Apr. 2024 · Gabby Giffords: President Biden’s New Background Checks Will Save Lives. April 11, 2024. Washington DC — GIFFORDS founder, former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, released a statement on Thursday applauding the finalization of President Joe Biden’s initiatives to expand background checks. In September 2023, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco ...

  3. 3. Apr. 2020 · I know something about fear and uncertainty. A bullet to the head one sunny morning in Arizona almost a decade ago left me first fighting for my life and then fighting to build my life anew. But in experiencing the worst — and in facing fear, the unknown, pain, and the deep desire to move forward — I have learned a lot about resiliency and ...

  4. Gabrielle Giffords en campagne pour Hillary Clinton, en novembre 2016. Le 1 er août 2011 , bien que handicapée (elle est paralysée du bras droit, a un champ visuel très limité et doit réapprendre à parler), Gaby Giffords retourne à la Chambre des représentants , pour voter en faveur d'une loi autorisant le gouvernement à relever le plafond maximum de la dette .

  5. 8. Jan. 2021 · Gabby Giffords breaks out in song discussing her life 10 years after Tucson shooting (0:59) Staff Video, USA TODAY. She'll mark the day as she has before, by remembering those who died, touching ...

  6. 10. Jan. 2011 · Die US-Politikerin Gabrielle Giffords wurde beim Attentat in Tucson schwer verletzt. Zwei Faktoren geben nun Anlass zur Hoffnung: Die 40-Jährige konnte sofort von einem Spezialisten operiert ...

  7. On January 8, 2011, U.S. Representative Gabby Giffords and 18 others were shot during a constituent meeting held in a supermarket parking lot in Casas Adobes, Arizona, in the Tucson metropolitan area. Six people were killed, including federal District Court Chief Judge John Roll; Gabe Zimmerman, one of Giffords's staffers; and a 9-year-old girl ...