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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Herbert Clark Hoover wurde am 10. August 1874 in West Branch (Iowa, USA) geboren. Hoover, dessen Vorfahren aus Deutschland (Pfautz, Wehmeyer) und der deutschen Schweiz (Huber, Burkhart) stammten, wuchs in einer Quäker-Familie auf. Nach dem Tod seiner Eltern lebte er in Newberg, Oregon. Er immatrikulierte sich 1891 an der neu gegründeten ...

  2. Herbert Hoover. Son of a Quaker blacksmith, Herbert Clark Hoover brought to the presidency a luminous reputation as an engineer, administrator, and humanitarian. Born in West Branch, Iowa on August 10, 1874, Hoover grew up in Newberg, Oregon with his uncle after the deaths of his parents. He married his Stanford sweetheart, Lou Henry, and they ...

  3. Die Grund- und Werkrealschule der Herbert- Hoover- Schule ist seit dem Schuljahr 19/20 reine Grundschule. Sie liegt in Stuttgart- Freiberg und in Mönchfeld. In der Interimsphase (Phase der Sanierungen und Neubauten) sind beide Grundschulstandorte zweizügig. Die Herbert- Hoover- Schule ist Grundschule in Wahlform.

  4. On this day in history, Oct. 22, 1928, Republican presidential nominee Herbert Hoover spoke of the "American system of rugged individualism" in a speech at New York's Madison Square Garden, according to multiple sources — coining the term "rugged individualism," which amplified his philosophy of personal freedom and volunteerism, not ...

  5. 2. Hoover expressed fear of radical change to our economic system. How did his concerns relate to the emergence of the radio priest Father Charles Coughlin and Governor Huey Long of Louisiana? 3. For years after he left office, many Americans considered Herbert Hoover as unsympathetic to the victims of the Great Depression. To what extent does ...

  6. John Edgar Hoover, als J. Edgar Hoover und als Edgar Hoover bekannt, (* 1. Januar 1895 in Washington, D.C.; † 2. Mai 1972 ebenda) war ab dem 10. Mai 1924 der sechste Direktor des Bureau of Investigation (BOI) und vom 23. März 1935 bis zu seinem Tod der erste Direktor des nunmehr umbenannten Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

  7. Years of Leadership gallery, Hoover presidential campaign 1928. 1928 campaign items. Herbert Hoover, at the age of 53, was on the verge of winning the Republican Party’s nomination for President when the convention began in June 1928. He had won primaries in several states with the support of women, progressives, internationalists, the new ...