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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Emilio Segrè. Emilio Gino Segrè, nado en Tívoli o 1 de febreiro de 1905 e finado en Lafayette, California, o 22 de abril de 1989, foi un físico italo-americano que, xunto con Owen Chamberlain, gañou no ano 1959 o Premio Nobel de Física polo descubrimento do antiprotón .

  2. Emilio Gino Segrè (1. února 1905, Tivoli – 22. dubna 1989) byl italský fyzik židovského původu. Proslavil se zejména objevem antiprotonu , za což obdržel společně s Owenem Chamberlainem v roce 1959 Nobelovu cenu za fyziku .

  3. Lexikon der Physik Segrè. Segrè. Segrè, Emilio Gino, italienisch-amerikanischer Physiker, *1.2.1905 Tivoli, †22.4.1989 Lafayette (Calif.); 1932-35 Professor in Rom, 1935-37 in Palermo, ab 1938 in Berkeley (Calif.); als Mitarbeiter von E. Fermi 1934-35 an wichtigen kernphysikalischen Experimenten (Neutronenexperimente; Entdeckung der ...

  4. 1. Feb. 2016 · Born on 1 February 1905 in Tivoli, Italy, Emilio Segrè was a Nobel Prize–winning nuclear physicist who synthesized radioactive elements and discovered the antiproton. Segrè studied under Enrico Fermi in the 1920s and became a professor of physics at the University of Palermo, where in 1937 he discovered technetium (atomic number 43), the first element to be artificially produced. The ...

  5. Emilio Segrè Notice : We are in the process of migrating Oral History Interview metadata to this new version of our website. During this migration, the following fields associated with interviews may be incomplete: Institutions , Additional Persons , and Subjects .

  6. Emilio G. Segrè Annotated bibliography for Emilio Segre from the Alsos Digital Library for Nuclear Issues Lưu trữ 2017-08-14 tại Wayback Machine Oral History interview transcript with Emilio G. Segre ngày 13 tháng 2 năm 1967, American Institute of Physics, Niels Bohr Library and Archives Lưu trữ 2013-01-26 tại Wayback Machine