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  1. Fritz London entstammte einer wohlhabenden großbürgerlichen deutsch-jüdischen Familie. Er studierte in Bonn, Frankfurt am Main, Göttingen, München und Paris. 1921 promovierte er in München. Nach kurzer Tätigkeit als Lehrer setzte London sein Physikstudium in Göttingen und München fort (1922–25), war 1926/27 Assistent von

  2. 11. Mai 1995 · Fritz London was one of the twentieth century's key figures in the development of quantum physics. A quiet and self-effacing man, he was one of the founders of quantum chemistry, and was the first to give a phenomenological explanation of superconductivity. This thoroughly researched biography gives a detailed account of London's life and work in Munich, Berlin, Oxford, Paris, and finally in ...

  3. Fritz London Endowment Fund In December 1972, John Bardeen, two-time winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics, established an endowment fund at Duke University "to perpetuate the memory of Fritz London, distinguished scientist and member of the Duke faculty from 1939 to the time of his death in 1954, and to promote research and understanding of Physics at Duke University and in the wider ...

  4. 7 Mar. 1900–30 Mar. 1954. Fritz Wolfgang London, physicist and theoretical chemist, was born in Breslau, Germany (now Wroclaw, Poland), the son of Franz and Luise Hamburger London. In 1904 his father, a professor of mathematics, accepted a position at the University of Bonn, where Fritz London spent his formative years.

  5. Observation · Measurement · Fritz London 1 nI troducing the question In 1939, Fritz London, a physicist with a philosophic gift, co-authored with Edmond Bauer a short monograph titled La théorie de la mesure en physique. Le problème de l’observation en physique quantique.1 The monograph was a kind of

  6. 3. Feb. 2022 · Las fuerzas de London, fuerzas de dispersión de London o interacciones dipolo inducido-dipolo, son el tipo más débil de interacciones intermoleculares. Su nombre se debe a las contribuciones del físico teórico Fritz London (1900-1954) y a sus estudios dentro del campo de la física cuántica.

  7. Fritz London, professor of theoretical chemistry at Duke University since 1938 and one of the world's outstanding low‐temperature physicists, died on March 30 at his home in Durham, North Carolina. Topics