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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. 8. Feb. 2022 · Arendts zweiter Mann, den sie 1936 im Exil in Paris kennenlernte und 1940 heiratete, war zeit ihres Lebens ihr wichtigster Gesprächspartner und ihre »Heimat«, wie auch umgekehrt. Ihr Briefwechsel (s. Kap. 25) mit Stellungnahmen zur totalen Herrschaft,...

  2. The teaching of the Buddha constantly meant, as well as Lao-tze's teaching, doing good and right things in the world - but measuredly so, not overdone, not coming and wanting to save the soul of the other fellow and finally ending up by burning the body of the other fellow in order to save his soul - but to try again and again to convince him, persuasion was the only weapon that Lao-tze ...

  3. 30. März 2013 · I worked on this project for a period of five years until her death. My work consisted of transcription, footnoting, and partial editing. In addition to having access to Heinrich Blücher's study and both libraries, I was also given access to Hannah Arendt’s office at the

  4. And it is always present, always there, and this is the last word that I have to say about the creative magic of art which Homer was the first to show us fully. 1 See Lecture I, Fall 1953. 2 Odyssey, Book IV, 580; Book VIII, 104, 180, 471, 563; Book XII, 147. 3 Tao Te Ching, Verse 47. Certainly the metaphor carried Homer very very far, carried ...

  5. Heinrich Blücher Project. The »Sources of Creative Power« Lectures of 1953/1954

  6. Blücher is maybe also referring to: Friedrich Nietzsche: Philosophy in the tragic age of the Greeks, or to The Genealogy of Morals (2, 16), where Nietzsche is referring to man as a »lucky shot in the game of the ›great child‹ of Heracleitus.« 6 Maybe Heraclitus: Fragment 101. 7 Lao-tze: Tao The Ching 47. 8 Heraclitus: Fragment 108.

  7. 8. Feb. 2022 · Der Briefwechsel Hannah Arendts mit ihrem Ehemann Heinrich Blücher (s. Kap. 67) umfasst die Jahre 1936 bis 1968 und besteht aus über vierhundert erhaltenen Briefen, von denen Lotte Köhler 304 mit unwesentlichen Kürzungen 1996 veröffentlichte (BwBl). Zeitlich reichen die Briefe von der Begegnung beider im Pariser Exil über Internierung und Flucht in die USA, die Wiederbegegnung Arendts ...