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  1. 27. Sept. 2023 · When entering politics in 2011, Hoekstra was a partner at McKinsey & Company. Until 2017, he combined his work at the consultancy firm with a mandate in the Dutch senate. Prior to that, he had worked for the oil and gas company Shell, and studied law. He is part of the Remonstrants – a liberal Protestant movement in the Netherlands – and a ...

  2. 19. Apr. 2020 · Depending on whom you ask, Wopke Hoekstra is either the blunt embodiment of Northern fiscal prudence or the callous face of European shortsightedness with its foot on the South’s neck. Either way, as pressure mounts for greater solidarity among European Union countries, the Dutch finance minister has emerged as the man with his finger in the dike, holding back the tide.

  3. 5. Okt. 2023 · Straßburg. Das EU-Parlament hat den Niederländer Wopke Hoekstra als neuen EU-Klimakommissar bestätigt. 279 Abgeordnete unterstützten am Donnerstag in Straßburg die Ernennung des 48-Jährigen ...

  4. 29. Sept. 2023 · Mr Hoekstra, Commissioner-designate for Climate Action, will be questioned by the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety to assess his skills, experience and suitability to become Commissioner, replacing Frans Timmermans, who resigned on 22 August, following his decision to run as a candidate in the forthcoming general election campaign in the Netherlands.

  5. 29. Dez. 2022 · Wopke Hoekstra: All democracies, including our own and the US’s, face internal and external pressure on their system and values. For example, the public sphere has to respond and adjust continuously to matters such as the increasing availability of information, social media, rising populism and authoritarianism, and the lingering effects of the pandemic. Within that context of ongoing change ...

  6. 5. Okt. 2023 · Am Ende konnte er die Europaabgeordneten überzeugen. Straßburg - Das EU-Parlament hat den Niederländer Wopke Hoekstra als neuen EU-Klimakommissar bestätigt. 279 Abgeordnete unterstützten am ...

  7. 3. Okt. 2023 · Zweifel an neuem EU-Klimakommissar: Der neue Klima-Champion?. Sozialdemokraten, Liberale und Grüne haben Bedenken gegen den Christdemokraten Wopke Hoekstra. Er überzeugt sie bei der Anhörung nicht.