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  1. Hans Momsen wurde im kleinen Ort Fahretoft, damals zum Herzogtum Schleswig im dänischen Gesamtstaat gehörig, nahe der Nordseeküste als Sohn des Landwirts Momme Jensen geboren. Dessen Vater hatte zeitweise als Navigationslehrer in den Niederlanden gearbeitet.

  2. 6. Nov. 2015 · Hans Mommsen forschte zu Weimarer Republik, Arbeiterbewegung, Reichstagsbrand, Nationalsozialismus und Widerstand, seinen Bruder beschäftigte das 19. Jahrhundert. Jahrhundert.

  3. 18. Mai 2017 · When Hans Mommsen died on 5 November 2015, at the age of eighty-five, he left a huge legacy, having grappled with many of the most intractable issues of modern German history, in particular Nazism. Born into a dynasty of German historians as the twin of another remarkable historian, Wolfgang J. Mommsen, in the 1950s Hans studied first in ...

  4. Der erste Nord-Südgipfel vom „Bergdoktor” Hans Sigl und Klappmaul Werner Momsen in der Hamburger Laiezhalle war ein großer Erfolg. Die beiden plauderten aus dem Nähkästchen, operierten am offenen Herzen und improvisierten, was die Bühne hergab. Keiner wusste, was passieren wird und am Ende standen alle vor Begeisterung.

  5. Theodor Mommsen, one of the best-known advocates of the liberal view with regard to the Berlin dispute about antisemitism (the Berliner Antisemitismusstreit) of 1879–1880, was a researcher ofantiquity and a Nobel Prize laureate. For the past half-century or so, however, Theodor Mommsen has been overshadowed by his great- grandson, Hans, in ...

  6. 18. Mai 2017 · When Hans Mommsen died on 5 November 2015, at the age of eighty-five, he left a huge legacy, having grappled with many of the most intractable issues of modern German history, in particular Nazism. Born into a dynasty of German historians as the twin of another remarkable historian, Wolfgang J. Mommsen, in the 1950s Hans studied first in ...

  7. HANS Mommsen passed away on November 5, 2015—on his eighty-fifth birthday. Mommsen had been a driving force in the German historical establishment for more than fifty years and one of its most compelling. As a specialist on the history of the Weimar Republic and Third Reich, he helped shape the research agenda and mode of inquiry of ...