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  1. Vor 19 Stunden · Rumänien grenzt an fünf Staaten: im Süden an Bulgarien, im Westen an Serbien und Ungarn, im Norden sowie im Osten an die Ukraine und Moldau . Der moderne rumänische Staat entstand 1859 durch die Vereinigung der Fürstentümer Moldau und Walachei zum Fürstentum Rumänien.

  2. Vor 19 Stunden · Central Europe is a geographical, cultural and historical region of Europe between Eastern, Southern, Western and Northern Europe.. Whilst the region is variously defined, it almost always includes Austria, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia, From the early 16th century, and until the early 18th century, parts were under Ottoman rule.

  3. › wiki › ChernivtsiChernivtsi - Wikipedia

    Vor 19 Stunden · The official motto of modern Chernivtsi, "Спільними зусиллями!", is a Ukrainian-language version of the Latin Viribus Unitis ("With United Forces"), the personal motto of Franz Joseph, who personally bestowed the right to use it on Chernivtsi. This indicates a special attitude of the emperor to the city.

  4. Vor 19 Stunden · Net investments in Romania's economy totaled RON 33.6 billion (EUR 7.2 billion) in the first half of 2018, up by 5.8% compared to the same period of 2017, according to the National Statistics Institute (INS). [70] In the same year (2018) foreign direct investment (FDI) was 81 billion, 63% (51 billion) being "green field".

  5. Vor 19 Stunden · Der VfB Stuttgart, offiziell Verein für Bewegungsspiele Stuttgart 1893 e. V., ist ein Sportverein aus der baden-württembergischen Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart. Der im Stadtbezirk Bad Cannstatt beheimatete Verein hat 107.000 Mitglieder (Stand: 26. Juni 2024), [1] womit er der größte Verein in Baden-Württemberg ist.

  6. Vor 19 Stunden · On January 23, 2009, The Guardian reported that the CIA had run black sites at Szymany Airport in Poland, Camp Eagle in Bosnia and Camp Bondsteel in Kosovo. [64] The United States has refused to cooperate with a Polish investigation into the matter, according to the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights.

  7. Expoziție de pictură ”Parfumuri” la Galeria de Artă Helios. 5 iulie 2024 – 27 iulie 2024 @ 18:30 – Lucrările, semnate de Alexandra Catina, au ca sursă de inspirație o serie de opere lirice ale unora dintre cei mai cunoscuți autori ai literaturii române și internaționale.