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  1. Vor 7 Stunden · I believe in the Liberal Party. I think it’s got the right values,” Mr. Carney told host Liberal MP Nate Erskine-Smith, before adding: “Look, the opportunity may present itself. This is what ...

  2. Vor einem Tag · Democratic Party for the People, DPFP), liberal-konservativ, 2018 entstanden aus großen Teilen von Demokratische Fortschrittspartei (DFP, Minshintō, engl. Democratic Party, DP), liberal-konservativ, 2017 nicht als Partei angetreten, 14 Mitglieder ohne Parteinominierung gewählt (2016 gegründet) Kibō no Tō („Partei der Hoffnung“, engl.

  3. Vor 7 Stunden · The party generally promotes a classical liberal platform, in contrast to the Democratic Party's modern liberalism and progressivism and the Republican Party's conservatism and right-wing populism. [ 12 ] [ non-primary source needed ] Gary Johnson , the party's presidential nominee in 2012 and 2016 , claims that the Libertarian Party is more culturally liberal than Democrats, and more fiscally ...

  4. › wiki › TurchiaTurchia - Wikipedia

    Vor einem Tag · La Turchia, ufficialmente Repubblica di Turchia (in turco Türkiye Cumhuriyeti), è uno Stato transcontinentale.Il suo territorio si estende nella penisola anatolica, nell'Asia occidentale, e comprende anche una parte europea: l'estrema parte orientale della Tracia, detta Turchia europea. È bagnata a sud dal Mar di Levante, a ovest dal Mar Egeo e a nord dal Mar Nero; il Mar di Marmara separa ...

  5. Vor einem Tag · “Six years ago when my wife and I first started to come to Canada every fall to teach at McGill, we said, ‘This is going to be great because we don’t have to talk about Donald Trump.’ “In six years I have not had a single conversation with a single Canadian in which the words, Donald Trump , haven’t come up in the first 90 seconds,” he said as the audience laughed.

  6. Vor 7 Stunden · 連続投稿はお控えください。(Wikipedia:同じ記事への連続投稿を減らす) 特筆性のない個人の名前は載せないでください。出典に名前が含まれる場合は伏字( )にしてください。 記事には掲載できない内容もあります。