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  1. Vor 5 Stunden · In 1987, when “Spaceballs” zinged “Star Wars’ ” commercial appeal with Yogurt telling Lone Starr they’ll likely meet again in the sequel if there’s money to be made, it was a little unfair, because George Lucas’ quality control was quite high. In the first decade of the franchise, in fact, fans’ hunger for “Star Wars ...

  2. A subreddit dedicated to the entire Cloverfield Universe or the Cloververse. The newest film being The Cloverfield Paradox! A Cloverfield sequel is in development. It consists of the 2008 film Cloverfield directed by Matt Reeves, written by Drew Goddard. As well as the 2016 film 10 Cloverfield Lane directed by Dan Trachtenberg. Both produced by ...

  3. Vor 5 Stunden · In December 2013, Sony issued a press release through the viral site Electro Arrives announcing that two films were in development, with Alex Kurtzman, Roberto Orci and Ed Solomon writing a spin-off to The Amazing Spider-Man focused on Venom (with Kurtzman attached to direct) and Drew Goddard writing one focused on the villain team Sinister Six. Hannah Minghella and Rachel O'Connor would ...

  4. Vor 5 Stunden · Drew Goddard toma las riendas de Matrix En ese sentido, el estudio dueño de los derechos, Warner Bros., ha sorprendido a todos al anunciar la producción de una nueva película de la saga.

  5. Vor 5 Stunden · 沃卓斯基姐妹退居二线,挂名执行制作人,新片的编剧及导演岗位交给《火星救援》的编剧德鲁·戈达德(Drew Goddard)。 戈达德凭《火星救援》拿过奥斯卡最佳改编剧本提名,他在导演领域也并非毫无建树,所执导的低成本惊悚片《林中小屋》收获诸多好评。

  6. Vor 5 Stunden · Lam Yiu-Kowk est un professeur de littérature chinoise ainsi qu'un mari et père idéal. Il tente en vain de faire partager sa passion à s...

  7. Vor 5 Stunden · ¡Adiós a las canas! En Alonzo Peluquería nos complace presentarte un artículo dedicado a uno de los mayores dilemas capilares: el fin de las canas.. ¿Estás buscando la solución perfecta para cubrir esas molestas hebras plateadas que han aparecido en tu cabello?