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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Vor 7 Stunden · When he was campaigning to be president, Biden vowed to reevaluate America’s long alliance with the Saudis following the 2018 murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi by officials working for the de ...

  2. Vor 7 Stunden · The government-funded social media accounts are alleged to have played down reports on the killing of dissident Jamal Khashoggi 2018, as well as more recently to support the American actor Johnny Depp, who has relied on Saudi funding for his most recent films.

  3. Vor 7 Stunden · Le Groupe des vingt ( G20) est un forum intergouvernemental composé de dix-neuf des pays aux économies les plus développées, de l' Union européenne et de l' Union africaine, dont les chefs d'État, chefs de gouvernement, ministres des finances et chefs des banques centrales se réunissent annuellement. Il est créé en 1999, après une ...

  4. Vor 7 Stunden · Financés par le royaume, leurs opérateurs ont notamment mené des campagnes pour minimiser l'assassinat du journaliste et opposant Jamal Khashoggi en 2018 et, plus récemment, pour soutenir l'acteur américain Johnny Depp, dont les derniers films ont reçu des financements saoudiens.

  5. Vor 7 Stunden · In a time of darkness and great peril for democracy, when America’s colony and proxy Israel assassinates journalists first in any act of war to erase evidence of crimes against humanity in Palestine, when Biden has fist bumped the apex predator of a savage monarchy who ordered or later granted immunity to the perpetrators of the brutal and nightmarish assassination of Jamal Khashoggi, Julian ...

  6. Vor 7 Stunden · Markey and other Democrats are critics of the country and its de facto ruler, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, over human rights, his intervention in Yemen's civil war and the murder of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi that U.S. spy firms examined was ordered by the prince. The prince has said for several years the kingdom will establish nuclear weapons if regional competing Iran ...

  7. I am sponsoring my wife for a CR1 visa. She doesn't have any official criminal record. But, we are naturally very uh... passionate people and we have done a particular kind of thing too many times to count before we were married.