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  1. Vor einem Tag · The 1964 Tokyo Games were the first to be held in Asia and to be broadcast worldwide on television, enabled by the recent advent of communication satellites. These Games marked a turning point in the global visibility and popularity of the Olympics and are credited for heralding the modern age of telecommunications.

  2. Vor 5 Stunden · 1964 Innsbruck -- Josef Rieder (alpine skiing) 1964 Tokyo -- Yoshinori Sakai (track and field) 1968 Grenoble -- Alain Calmat (figure skating) 1968 Mexico City -- Enriqueta Basilio (track and field) 1972 Sapporo -- Hideki Takada (non-athle ...

  3. Vor einem Tag · August 2024 (geplant) Die Olympischen Sommerspiele 2024 ( französisch Jeux olympiques d’été de 2024, offiziell Spiele der XXXIII. Olympiade, französisch Jeux de la XXXIII e olympiade) sollen vom 26. Juli bis zum 11. August 2024 in der französischen Hauptstadt Paris stattfinden, wobei bereits seit dem 24.

  4. Vor einer Stunde · Tokyo 1964 Tokyo’s opening ceremony marked Japan’s return to the international stage after World War II, telling the world that the nation had not only recovered, but reasserted itself. The event featured performances that blended traditional Japanese culture and contemporary displays, including a mesmerising sea of kimonos and a massive wooden structure of the Olympic rings.

  5. Vor einem Tag · Jocurile Olimpice de la Tokyo, din 1964, au reprezentat începutul unei povești extraordinare care a cucerit inimile oamenilor din întreaga lume. Billy Mills, un alergător american neobservat, și-a gravat numele în istoria Jocurilor Olimpice cu un triumf fără precedent. Călătoria sa remarcabilă de la obscuritate la apogeul și ...

  6. Vor einem Tag · En 1964, lors des Jeux paralympiques de Tokyo, Michel Drucker faisait sa première apparition à la télévision. 60 ans plus tard, à l'occasion des Jeux de Paris 2024, l'animateur prend le temps ...

  7. Vor einem Tag · LE SÉNÉGAL AUX JEUX OLYMPIQUES : Tokyo 1964 à Paris 2024, 60 ans d'histoire (Par Mbaye Jacques DIOP) Premier site d'informations de l'Afrique de l'ouest |