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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. "Affair" suggests an event such as dw mentioned. "Stuff might include other things as well--cleaning out the garage; changing the air in the spare tire of the family car; taking the family pet to the dog park, If I were to choose only between "stuff" and "affair", I'd likely choose the latter, but unless restricted in that matter, I really would use either one.

  2. 22. Feb. 2013 · I need to send my boss mail explaining that because of a personal issue I need to handle, I can’t attend the conference. Which of these phrases would best express that I have my own business to deal

  3. housewifenoun(plural housewives) 1amarried woman whose main occupation is caring for her family, managing household affairs, and doing housework: the traditional division of labour between the husband as breadwinner and wife as housewife. I am not just a housewife, I am an accountant, nurse, negotiator, cook, driver. homemakernoun.

  4. 17. Dez. 2012 · Every time I hear this idiom, I cogitate to no avail as to its sense. Why is it a whistle, and not a lantern, or an axe?

  5. As a British child in the 50s and 60s I called family friends 'Uncle' and 'Auntie' because it was considered bad manners for a child to address an adult by their given name alone. This custom no longer exists because forms of address have become much more informal. –

  6. 16. Jan. 2017 · Might be off-topic, but just feel it's interesting. In Chinese there is actually a very specific word for this person and it got popular in recent years (as more and more people are having affairs). Originally it's called "the third one(第三者)", meaning it's the third person out of the couple, and then became "little third(小三)" in pop ...

  7. 21. Apr. 2012 · 4. Absent any context, affiliated connotes a formal relationship, such as membership, partnership, ownership, or other contractual connection. While associated can also carry this meaning, it can also be used to describe more casual connections, or even where the connection is made only by outsiders. Context is very important, however, as ...

  8. relationship 3 a : a state of affairs existing between those having relations or dealings {had a good relationship with his family} b : a romantic or passionate attachment One possibility is that your teacher heard the word "relations" and thought "Uh-oh, my student is unwittingly inviting hearers to imagine that she's talking about relation[s] definition 7b(2)."

  9. 13. Apr. 2017 · intended for or restricted to the use of a particular person, group, or class. With this meaning, when I call something private, it means I don't want other people to know about it. If there's a death in the family and I don't want other people talking about it, I might call that a "private reason" for not attending an event.

  10. I've always used "inherent" and "intrinsic" interchangeably. doesn't offer much help in distinguishing them.