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  1. Vor 8 Stunden · Kyrgyz-American, Islamic terrorism [11] inspired lone wolf who, along with his brother Tamerlan Tsarnaev, perpetrated the attack. Tamerlan later died due to critical injuries and massive blood loss during a shootout with police on April 19, 2013. On July 31, 2020, Tsarnaev's death sentence was overturned on appeal, but was reinstated by the US Supreme Court two years later.

  2. Vor 8 Stunden · 而在 香港青年基督徒劇團 中,他擔任多套話劇的編劇及導演。. 在2014年3月21日 無綫配音組仝人聯歡暨頒獎典禮 中,他以 《原來是美男》 的 馬克 一角獲得 中台劇男配角最佳演繹獎。. 招世亮現為日本演員 古尾谷雅人 (日语:古尾谷雅人) (已故)、 中井貴 ...