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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Die Universität Palermo ( italienisch: Università degli Studi di Palermo) ist eine Universität mit Sitz in der sizilianischen Hauptstadt Palermo. Sie ist mit rund 40.000 Studenten und 2.000 wissenschaftlichen Angestellten eine der größten Hochschulen in Italien.

  2. L'Università degli Studi di Palermo, fondata nel 1806, con i suoi oltre 40000 iscritti è uno degli 11 mega Atenei italiani. La sua offerta formativa comprende più di 130 corsi di studio, tra lauree triennali, magistrali e magistrali a ciclo unico.

  3. Courses and PhD programmes.

  4. Die Universität Palermo nimmt sowohl Studierende aus der EU als auch aus Ländern außerhalb der EU zum Studium, Praktikum und Doktorat auf.

  5. Critical Social Philosophy is a permanent workshop of philosophical studies aiming at promoting a closer dialectic among researchers in different fields of philosophical and scientific research on the most important problems of contemporary debate, and between research and teaching in every academic and school level.

  6. The University of Palermo ( Italian: Università degli Studi di Palermo) is a university located in Palermo, Italy, and founded in 1806. It is organized in 12 Faculties.

  7. The University of Palermo was founded in 1806 by Ferdinand III, in an area that had been used for learning and research since the late 1500s. The university exists today as a premier institution in the Sicilian capital.