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  1. A Diploma of College Studies is a university prerequisite for Quebec high school graduates, unless applying as a mature student. A pre-university Diploma of College Studies is roughly equivalent in the rest of North America to a combination of grade twelve and the first year of an Associate's degree, while a three-year vocational is ...

  2. 4. Apr. 2024 · Generally, from three to four months after the end of your last semester of studies and provided that you have met the conditions associated with your technical or pre-university program and those prescribed by the College Education Regulations , you will be awarded a DCS.

  3. Diploma of College Studies (DSC) Programs leading to a DCS have general education courses and program-specific courses. General education consists of: general courses related to the program of study (language of instruction and literature, philosophy or humanities and second language)

  4. Quebec's system of college education results in multiple types college degrees with diplomas. In the CEGEP -era, pre-university programs result in "diplomas", as do technical studies that result in associate degree analogues, while the vocational programs result in "attestations".

  5. To be eligible for a program leading to a Diploma of College Studies (DCS), an applicant must meet the three (3) following requirements: 1. Hold one of the following secondary school diplomas/be in one of the following situations: Hold a Quebec Secondary School Diploma (SSD)

  6. Diplômes et documents officiels d’études collégiales. Services offerts en lien avec les diplômes et documents officiels du collégial. Relevé de notes. Le relevé de notes, appelé bulletin d’études collégiales, présente la liste des cours suivis et des notes obtenues. Voir plus. Diplôme d'études collégiales (DEC)

  7. In order to be admitted to a program leading to a DCS/DEC, you must satisfy one of the following four requirements: 1- A secondary school diploma (SSD/DES)