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  1. 9. Feb. 2007 · Du bist die Liebe meines Lebens! Trotzdem hast du mich verletzt, mein Herz gebrochen und dann einfach stehen gelassen. Weißt du, was du anrichtest? Bitte….

    • Jack London's "Love of Life"
    • Plot Summary
    • A Real Page Turner
    • Hungry Like A Wolf
    • The Ending
    • More on "Love of Life"

    Wow, wow, wow! That is how I would sum up this story by Jack London. What an incredibly gripping tale of survival this short story turned out to be. Right from the very first sentence, you are trapped and can't help reading the rest of this compelling story.

    The story is simple and immediately understandable; two gold prospectors are suffering from starvation as they trudge wearily across the frozen tundra of Canada to find food. One of the men is called Bill, and the other—our protagonist—remains unnamed for the entirety of the story. Unfortunately for our man, starvation, and exposure to the harsh el...

    One of the most laudable aspects of this short story is that it is supremely economical. By that, I mean, at the moment you comprehend these poor gent's predicament, you urgently want to know how they got themselves into this mess in the first place. You are given the gift of an endless possibility of backstories by London's restraint in not provid...

    This poor man is beset by obstacles that might even deter old Job (from the Bible's Book of Job) himself, including a close encounter with a bear. But, in the end, it is a lone wolf endlessly stalking him that creates the most anxiety. Sick and starving himself, the wolf slowly walks behind the hapless prospector. Like a chase in slow motion, they ...

    Although I won't tell you if the embattled prospector lives or is eaten by the wolf, I will say that, believe it or not, this story has a somewhat humorous ending. I only mention it to again draw attention to how skillful London's writing is. After horrifying us with a journey of unthinkable and nightmarish obstacles, he makes us laugh. Reward your...

    I keep books like the collection Love of Life and Other Storieswith me at all times. I stash them in several places; that way, I am never short of something to read. When traveling on a plane, on a road trip, or even just relaxing, a book of short stories like this is perfect. Starting a short story doesn't require you to make as big a commitment y...

  2. We present the first of four parts of the short story "Love of Life," by Jack London. The story was originally adapted and recorded by the U.S. Department of State.

  3. Love of My Life ist eine Rockballade der britischen Rockband Queen. Das Lied wurde von Freddie Mercury für seine damalige Freundin Mary Austin geschrieben und zuerst 1975 auf dem Album A Night at the Opera veröffentlicht.

  4. Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit "love of life" – Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Deutsch-Übersetzungen.

  5. Lernen Sie die Übersetzung für 'love\x20of\x20life' in LEOs ­Englisch ⇔ Deutsch­ Wörterbuch. Mit Flexionstabellen der verschiedenen Fälle und Zeiten Aussprache und relevante Diskussionen Kostenloser Vokabeltrainer

  6. Love of Life: In dieser klassischen Seifenoper drehte sich zu Beginn alles um die Schwestern Vanessa und Meg Dale und dem Verhältnis zwischen Gut und …