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  1. The consolidation of Pedro II of Brazil covers the period from his coronation on 18 July 1841 until 6 September 1853.

  2. Pedro II of Brazil - Wikipedia. Contents. hide. (Top) Early life. Consolidation. Growth. Paraguayan War. Apogee. Decline and fall. Exile and legacy. Titles and honors. Genealogy. See also. Notes. Footnotes. References and further reading. External links. Pedro II of Brazil.

  3. Religion. Roman Catholicism. Signature. The legacy of Pedro II of Brazil became apparent soon after his death. Emperor Pedro II was the second and last monarch of the Empire of Brazil, whose long 58-year reign (1831–1889) represented a time of remarkable prosperity and progress for his country.

  4. Pedro II of Brazil ( b. 2 December 1825; d. 5 December 1891), the second and last emperor of Brazil (1831–1889). A central figure in Brazil's development as a nation state, Pedro II was a man of complex personality and considerable abilities. His actions first consolidated and ultimately undermined the monarchical regime.

  5. In 1831, under pressure from the Brazilian military and the Portuguese monarchy, Dom Pedro I returned to Portugal to assume the throne (his father had died five years earlier), leaving his son Pedro II as the claimant to the Brazilian imperial seat of power.

  6. The reign of Pedro II (1840–1889) was a period of recentralization, restoration of order and legitimate authority, state building, and economic development, especially in the years 1845–1870. Consensus among parties and the elite on fundamental issues promoted political unity and a liberal and stable regime.

  7. “The successes of Pedro II, the creation of a political culture and of an ideal of citizenship, not only survived his fall in 1889, but continued as the norms and directives of public life in subsequent regimes (the Old Republic, the Vargas Era and the Liberal Republic).