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  1. › wiki › PurgatorioPurgatorio - Wikipedia

    The gate of Purgatory, Peter's Gate, is guarded by an angel bearing a naked sword, his countenance too bright for Dante's sight to sustain. In reply to the angel's challenge, Virgil declares that a lady from heaven brought them there and directed them to the gate. On Virgil's advice, Dante mounts the steps and pleads humbly for admission by the angel, who uses the point of his sword to draw ...

  2. tradition of purgatory. With his Purgatorio, in which the “second kingdom” of the afterlife is a seven-story mountain situated at the antipodes to Jerusalem, Dante Alighieri (1265–1321) created a poetic synthesis of theology, Ptolemaic cosmology, and moral psychology depicting the gradual purification of the image and likeness of God in….

  3. In The Divine Comedy, Dante pioneered a poetic rhyme scheme called terza rima, which consists of three-line stanzas, each line with 11 syllables apiece. The three-line structure is probably meant to reflect the Holy Trinity. The best study guide to Purgatorio on the planet, from the creators of SparkNotes.

  4. Dante - Poet, Inferno, Purgatorio: Dante’s years of exile were years of difficult peregrinations from one place to another—as he himself repeatedly says, most effectively in Paradiso [XVII], in Cacciaguida’s moving lamentation that “bitter is the taste of another man’s bread and…heavy the way up and down another man’s stair.” Throughout his exile Dante nevertheless was ...

  5. Having reached the Gate of Purgatory, this new day begins with a highly symbolic three-part ritual to mark Dante’s formal entrance into Purgatory proper. From a distance, the Gate appears as a small opening in the great wall that surrounds this middle section of Purgatory. As Dante and Virgil get closer, they see the large Gate and a sword-bearing angel, clothed in ash-colored garments ...

  6. Purgatorio Summary. Dante, having just emerged from his journey through Hell, arrives in Purgatory at dawn on Easter Sunday. With Virgil, his guide through the afterlife, he meets the soul of Cato, a pagan political leader who died in the first century B.C.E. Cato grants the two men entrance into Purgatory, and in preparation for the journey ...

  7. [1] To begin our discussion of Purgatorio, we begin by introducing the importance of the theology of Purgatory.As historian Jacques Le Goff notes in his book The Birth of Purgatory (orig. 1981; trans. Arthur Goldhammer for U. of Chicago Press, 1984), Purgatory as a concept was, in Dante’s time, of much more recent vintage than Hell or Paradise, both of which have ancient origins.