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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Casiotone for the Painfully Alone (CFTPA) was the musical solo-project of musician Owen Ashworth (born April 22, 1977) of Redwood City, California. CFTPA was active from 1997 to 2010, and released five studio albums, alongside numerous other releases.

  2. 20. Juni 2012 · Nicht mehr ganz so minimal, abwechslungsreicher, bunter und mit jeder Menge Gespür für Melodien, was wohl der größte Unterschied zu CASIOTONE FOR THE PAINFULLY ALONE ist. Mal Walzer, mal Bar-Ballade, mal LOU REED, mal THE DRESDEN DOLLS.

  3. Advance Base ist das Musikprojekt des Sängers, Songwriters und Produzenten Owen Ashworth (ehemals Casiotone For The Painfully Alone), der in Chicago lebt. Mit A Shut-In s Prayer veröffentlicht Ashworth sein erstes Album nach mehr als dreijähriger Pause. Eingespielt in Klavierproberäumen der Chicago Public Library und im Homerecording-Studio ...

  4. 24. Mai 2012 · Released on Red House Painters/Sun Kil Moon mastermind Mark Kozelek's Caldo Verde label, the debut LP from Owen Ashworth's post-Casiotone for the Painfully Alone project is the most...

  5. 22. Mai 2012 · A Shut-Ins Prayer is, fundamentally, not all that different from his work under the now defunct Casiotone for the Painfully Alone designation, and yet it seems its own separate entity all the same – wholly formed and thematically integrated.

  6. 1. Mai 2012 · Metacritic Music Reviews, A Shut-In's Prayer by Advance Base, Owen Ashworth (previously known as Casiotone for the Painfully Alone) returns under the Advance Base name with an album recorded in a rehearsal roo...

  7. Taking of from Casiotone For the Painfully Alone, Advance Base moves away from the chiptune (or perhaps Casiotone) slant of his last project to add a certain 'maturity' to his work. I for one mourn the death of CFTPA, but as a debut album Advance Base shows promise to overtake the beauty of Casiotone's last two albums.