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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Cornelia Postuma or Postuma Cornelia (born 78 or 77 BC) was the only daughter of Roman dictator Sulla and his fifth wife, Valeria Messalla. She was Sulla's fifth and final known child.

  2. Plutarch nennt jedoch weder Namen noch Grund. Valeria und Sulla lernten sich bei Gladiatorenspielen in Rom kennen und heirateten kurz darauf. [3] Als Sulla 78 v. Chr. starb, war sie schwanger und gebar nach einigen Monaten Cornelia Postuma. [4]

  3. 28. März 2024 · Lucius Cornelius Sullæ Felix (c. 138 BC – 78 BC), known commonly as Sulla, was a Roman general and statesman. He had the rare distinction of holding the office of consul twice, as well as that of dictator. He was one of the canonical great men of Roman history.

    • circa -138
    • 78 (55-65)Puteoli, Roman Republic
    • Rome, Roman Republic
  4. Cornelia Postuma (anche Cornelia Silla Postuma o Cornelia Silla minore; 78 a.C. o 77 a.C. – ...) è stata una nobildonna romana, ultimogenita di Silla.

  5. 448) (Cornelia) Postuma. Valeria, die fünfte Gemahlin Sullas, gebar nach seinem Tode eine Tochter, die deshalb Postuma genannt wurde (Plut. Sulla 37, 5).

  6. She was pregnant at the time of his death in 78 BC and had a daughter, Cornelia Postuma, some months later. It is possible that she was infected by the disease which killed her husband and died not much later after giving birth to Postuma.

  7. Lucius Cornelius Sulla – Cornelia Postuma (2d. Sulla died at the age of 60. Cornelia Postumas mother was his fifth wife!)