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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Juliet Stuart Poyntz (originally 'Points') (25 November 1886 – c. 1937) was an American suffragist, trade unionist and communist spy. As a student and university teacher, Poyntz espoused many radical causes and went on to become a co-founder of the Communist Party of the United States (CPUSA).

  2. It is believed that Poyntz was murdered by the OGPU to silence her. Several people confessed to killing her after her disappearance, but no one was ever charged. She was declared legally dead in October 1944 and her estate was given to her sister, her sole surviving relative.

  3. Where Is Juliet Stuart Poyntz?: Gender, Spycraft, and Anti-Stalinism in the Early Cold War on JSTOR. Series: Copyright Date: 2021. Published by: University of Massachusetts Press. Pages: 224. Select all. (For EndNote, Zotero, Mendeley) (For BibTex) Front Matter. (pp. i-vi) Front Matter. (pp. i-vi)

  4. 29. Jan. 2021 · Gender, Spycraft, and Anti-Stalinism in the Early Cold War | On a sweltering June evening in 1937, American Juliet Stuart Poyntz left her boardinghouse in Manhattan and walked toward Central...

  5. is Juliet Stuart Poyntz herself. Divergent Accounts of Poyntzs Fate Little is known about Poyntzs disappearance. In the absence of credible em-pirical evidence, the accounts that do exist seek to demonstrate the degeneracy and brutality of the Soviet Union and Communism. The scant historiography

  6. Where Is Juliet Stuart Poyntz? Gender, Spycraft, and Anti-Stalinism in the Early Cold War. by Denise M. Lynn. Published by: University of Massachusetts Press. Series: Culture and Politics in the Cold War and Beyond

  7. Juliet Stuart Poyntz mysteriously disappeared from Central Park in Manhattan on the evening of June 3, 1937. She was a well-known sufragist, uni‐onist, and worker for the Communist Party in the United States (CPUSA).