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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. 24. Juli 2021 · Sie breitet sich wunderschön aus und erreicht einen Durchmesser von bis zu einem Meter. Die rot-gelben, edel anmutenden Blütenbälle bereichern mit ihrer Anmut und Eleganz den Garten. Die Ballhortensie 'Red Angel' zählt zu den schönsten Sorten aus dem Hause des niederländischen Züchters Andre van Zoest.

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  2. Hortensie Black Diamonds Red Angel® zählt mit seiner extravaganten Belaubung und der rassigen Färbung zu den wahren Schmuckstücken im Garten. Das edle, dunkelgrüne Blattwerk wird von zarten, hellen Äderchen durchzogen und bietet einen sehr dekorativen Anblick.

  3. In Red Angel erleben wir den Zweiten Weltkrieg an der Seite der Krankenschwester Nishi, die in einem Feldlazarett nahe der mandschurischen Front arbeitet. Masumura verzichtet auf eine Zurschaustellung des Kriegsgeschehens und spart somit auch Action, Pathos und Heldentum anderer Genrevertreter aus. Er zeigt lediglich die Ergebnisse der Gefechte ...

    • Yasuzō Masumura
  4. Sie ist sozusagen die „Schwester“ der Tellerhortensie Dark Angel. Mit dieser „dunklen“ Ausstrahlung lassen sich in Kombinationen mit hellaubigen Begleitern wunderbare Pflanzbilder erzielen. Red Angel wächst mittelstark bis auf etwa 1,50 Meter Endhöhe.

  5. › wiki › Red_AngelRed Angel - Memory Alpha

    • Daedalus Project
    • Known Appearances
    • Appendices

    The Red Angel suit was a product of the Daedalus Project, a time travel program set up by Section 31 in the 2230s out of concern of a temporal arms race with the Klingons. Developed by Mike and Gabrielle Burnham, the suit was capable of allowing a single pilot to travel through time via micro-wormholes with the assistance of a time crystal. Since w...


    After being stranded in her future, Gabrielle Burnham built a home base on a remote planet. She moved a group of people from Earth to Terralysium, where they thrived, thus proving that time was fluid. These people were abducted from the East Fork Presbyterian Church in Richmond, Indiana on Earth in 2053, during the height of World War III and shortly before they would have been killed by nuclear weapons. (DIS: "Perpetual Infinity", "New Eden") The survivors recounted the Angel entering the bu...


    After the apparent death of her parents, Michael Burnham was taken in by Sarek and his wife Amanda, who also had a child called Spock, to live on Vulcan. At some point, Michael was targeted by logic extremists, and she decided to run away from home to avoid making her new family a target. (DIS: "Brother", "If Memory Serves") Gabrielle Burnham jumped back to this incident in her daughter's life to prevent her from being killed by a wild animal. She accomplished this by contacting Spock and tel...

    Second encounter with Spock

    Years later, in the 2250s, a now-adult Spock was serving aboard the USS Enterprise. Two months before the appearance of the red bursts, Spock noted in a personal log that the nightmares of his youth had returned. He had the same vision, which he would later describe as a premonition or a dream, again and again. His commanding officer, Captain Pike, felt that something had shifted in Spock, as if he'd run into a question he couldn't answer. Spock encoded a rendering of the signals in his log a...


    The Red Angel appeared to Spock in the novel The Enterprise Warafter he was stranded on a planet for several months, this following several months of having been enslaved in service to a group called "the Boundless." He mind melded with the angel and experienced visions of the decimation of several planets, beginning his descent into madness.

  6. Die Bauernhortensie 'Red Angel' zaubert mit ihren dunkelrosaroten Blüten üppige Farbpracht in jeden Garten. Die satt gefärbten Blüten kommen besonders im Zusammenspiel mit dem dunkelgrünen Laub zur Geltung. 'Red Angel' bildet ihren Flor über lange Monate, von Juni bis September hinweg aus.

  7. Dieses strauchartig wachsende Laubgehölz erreicht eine Höhe von ca. 1,5 m und eine Breite von ca. 1,5 m. Die Bauernhortensie "Red Angel" trotzt dem Winter, auch bei starken Frösten.