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  1. Oktober 2004 in Jinan, Shandong) war ein chinesischer Politiker der Kommunistischen Partei Chinas (KPCh) und Generalleutnant der Volksbefreiungsarmee, der unter anderem zwischen 1965 und 1971 Kommandeur der Luftstreitkräfte der Volksrepublik China war.

  2. › wiki › Wu_FaxianWu Faxian - Wikipedia

    Wu Faxian (Chinese: 吴法宪; 1915–2004) was a Chinese Communist revolutionary and lieutenant general of the People's Liberation Army. In 1930 he became a soldier of Chinese Red Army, two years later he joined the Chinese Communist Party.

  3. › wiki › У_ФасяньWu Faxian -

    Wu Faxian ( chinesisch: 吴 法宪, Pinyin Wú Fǎxiàn; 1915–2004) war ein chinesischer Militärangehöriger, der auf Seiten der KPCh aktiv an den Bürgerkriegen und den chinesisch-japanischen Kriegen teilnahm . In der Volksrepublik China - General der PLA. 1965-1971 - Kommandant der PLA Air Force.

  4. › de › Wu_FaxianWu Faxian - Wikiwand

    Wu Faxian war ein chinesischer Politiker der Kommunistischen Partei Chinas und Generalleutnant der Volksbefreiungsarmee, der unter anderem zwischen 1965 und 1971 Kommandeur der Luftstreitkräfte der Volksrepublik China war.

  5. But while China seems to be well into the post-Mao era, many recollections of Mao’s regime can still not be published in mainland China, including the memoirs of General Wu Faxian, former Commander-in-Chief of China’s Air Force.

    • Ben Xu
    • 2008
  6. Air Force Commander Wu Faxian, a Lin Biao loyalist, and security chief Xie Fuzhi accused Chen of a litany of crimes in front a large contingent of senior military and political leaders, many of whom, incredulous at the abuse being hurled on Chen, left in disgust during the meeting. Chen was also beaten by security personnel during ...

  7. 11. Feb. 2021 · Biao and Wu Faxian used the airborne troops, which belong to the PLAAF, to support a particular faction in the Cultural Revolution. When Lin Biao’s air force aircraft went down over Mongolia in September 1971, Wu Faxian was immediately arrested. The PLAAF subsequently went without a Commander until May 1973. Even then, after Ma ...