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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Nicolae Macici (n. 7 noiembrie 1886, Craiova, România – d. 15 iunie 1950, Aiud, Alba, România) a fost un general român, care s-a distins în luptele celui de-Al Doilea Război Mondial atât pe Frontul de Est (iunie - noiembrie 1941), cât și pe Frontul de Vest (august 1944 - februarie 1945).

  2. Nicolae Macici (7 November 1886 – 15 June 1950) was a Romanian lieutenant general during World War II, when he commanded the Romanian First Army, first on the side of the Axis (1941–1944) and then on the side of the Allies (1944–1945).

  3. In June 1941, maj. general Nicolae Macici was at the head of the 2nd Corps (9th and 10th Infantry Divisions), which was deployed in northern Dobruja at the beginning of Operation Barbarossa. This unit enjoyed a special status of independence by not being subordinated toan army command.

  4. The Odessa massacre was the mass murder of the Jewish population of Odessa and surrounding towns in the Transnistria Governorate during the autumn of 1941 and the winter of 1942 while it was under Romanian control. It was one of the worst massacres in Ukrainian territory. [1]

  5. Nicolae Macici (7 November 1886 – 15 June 1950) was a Romanian lieutenant general during World War II, when he commanded the Romanian First Army, first on the side of the Axis (1941–1944) and then on the side of the Allies (1944–1945).

  6. Nicolae Macici (7 November 1886 – 15 June 1950) was a Romanian lieutenant general during World War II, when he commanded the Romanian First Army, first on the side of the Axis (1941–1944) and then on the side of the Allies (1944–1945).

  7. This is a brief biographical sketch of the military career of Lieutenant-General Nicolae Macici. He was a general during World War Two.