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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Gianni De Michelis war ein italienischer Politiker. Er war 1988/89 stellvertretender Ministerpräsident, von 1989 bis 1992 Außenminister seines Landes und von 2004 bis 2009 fraktionsloser Abgeordneter der Wahlliste Socialisti Uniti per l’Europa im Europäischen Parlament.

  2. Gianni De Michelis (Venezia, 26 novembre 1940 – Venezia, 11 maggio 2019) è stato un politico italiano, deputato dal 1976 al 1994, ministro delle partecipazioni statali dal 1980 al 1983, ministro del lavoro e della previdenza sociale dal 1983 al 1987, Vicepresidente del Consiglio dei ministri dal 1988 al 1989 e ministro degli ...

  3. Gianni De Michelis (26 November 1940 – 11 May 2019) was an Italian politician, a member of the Italian Socialist Party (PSI), who served as minister in many Italian governments in the 1980s and early 1990s.

  4. 16. Mai 2019 · Giovanni De Michelis, a flamboyant Italian Socialist and power broker in Rome who was caught up in Italy’s sweeping corruption scandal of the 1990s, died on May 11 in Venice. He was 78.

  5. 17. Mai 2019 · In Memoriam: Gianni De Michelis - decisive interlocutor of Central European Initiative. Fri, 17/05/2019. CEI SG Roberto Antonione expresses his condolences on behalf of the Central European Initiative for the death of Gianni De Michelis, Italian Foreign Minister from 1989 to 1992.

  6. “I’m like everyone else,” Gianni De Michelis would say. “The difference is I don’t hide it.” In fact, as Italian foreign minister in the late 1980s and early 1990s, De Michelis was an unusual, Falstaffian figure in the world of international diplomacy, known for his love of disco dancing and distinc

  7. Gianni De Michelis wurde 1940 als Sohn eines Industriemanagers in Venedig geboren und wuchs mit vier Geschwistern auf. Er ist Mitglied der Methodistisch-Waldensischen Kirche. Großvater und Urgroßvater waren Prediger der kleinen Religionsgemeinschaft.