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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Moggalana (Moggallāna; Pâli, auch ehrend: Mahamoggalana; Sanskrit: Maudgalyāyana) war neben Sariputta einer der beiden Hauptschüler Buddhas. Moggalana war für seine übernatürlichen Kräfte bekannt.

  2. Sariputta and Moggallana (also called Maha Moggallana) were the two chief disciples of the Buddha, often stylized as the right hand and left hand disciples of the Buddha respectively. The two disciples were childhood friends who ordained under the Buddha together and are said to have become enlightened as arahants.

  3. Maudgalyayana. Statue of Moggallana, depicting his dark skin color (blue, black). Title. Foremost disciple, left hand side chief disciple of Gautama Buddha; second chief disciple of Gautama Buddha. Personal. Born. year unknown. Kolita village, Magadha (today in the Indian State of Bihar) Died.

  4. Moggallana. Moggallana, popularly known as Maha Moggallana in the Pali tradition, was one of the two chief disciples of the Buddha. He was ordained along with Sariputta; and on the same day the Buddha, too, had declared that they were the Chief Disciples.

  5. In early Buddhist texts, Maudgalyāyana is instrumental in re-uniting the monastic community after Devadatta causes a schism. Maudgalyāyana dies at the age of eighty-four, killed through the efforts of a rival sect. This violent death is described in Buddhist scriptures as a result of Maudgalyāyana's karma from a previous life.

  6. The most famous and spectacular of Moggalla na’s powers was his ability to transform himself into other beings. The power struggle and ultimate defeat of the King Cobra NandopAnanda are well - known.

  7. Mahamoggallana und Sariputta waren von Kindesbeinen an Freunde. Und auch ihre beiden Familien hatten bereits seit sieben Generationen enge Verbindungen.