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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Salome Alexandra war Königin von Judäa von 76 v. Chr. bis 67 v. Chr. Sie war Ehefrau und Nachfolgerin des hasmonäischen Königs Alexander Jannäus.

  2. Salome Alexandra, or Shlomtzion (Greek: Σαλώμη Ἀλεξάνδρα; Hebrew: שְׁלוֹמְצִיּוֹן ‎, Šəlōmṣīyyōn, "peace of Zion"; 141–67 BC), [1] was a regnant queen of Judaea, one of only three women (until Golda Meir) to rule over the country, the other two being Athaliah and Deborah.

  3. Eine der herausragendsten jüdischen Frauen unserer Geschichte war Königin Salome Alexandra. Salome Alexandra, die Schwester von Rabbi Schimon ben Schetach, dem berühmten Anführer des Sanhedrin, war die Frau des ersten Makkabäers, der seit der Zerstörung des ersten Tempels den Titel „König“ trug.

  4. 22. Jan. 2013 · Learn about the life and legacy of Salome Alexandra, the only woman to rule Judea independently and the only woman mentioned in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Discover how she brought peace and prosperity to her kingdom and influenced Judaism and Christianity.

  5. Learn about the life and legacy of Queen Salome Alexandra, the only female Hasmonean monarch who ruled Judea in the Second Temple era. Discover how she supported Torah and tradition, brought peace and prosperity, and influenced Jewish history.

  6. Learn about the life and reign of Salome Alexandra, who ruled Judea as a queen from 139 to 67 B.C.E. She was a descendant of the Hasmonean family, a supporter of the Pharisees, and a diplomatic leader who faced civil wars and foreign threats.

  7. Learn about the life and legacy of Salome Alexandra, the only woman ever to rule Judea as its sole leader. She faced political and religious challenges, reformed Judaism and was honored by the Talmud.