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  1. 22. Sept. 2022 · Mit der Konsole können Sie Cheats für verschiedene Zwecke in Fallout 4 eingeben. Unser Ratgeber erklärt, wie Sie dabei vorgehen.

  2. To access the console in the game, press the [~] (tilde) key on the keyboard. For a complete list of the console commands, type help in the console. NOTE: The Tilde key should be to the left of the 1 key on the top row.

    • On commands, targets, shorthands and more
    • Debugging and mapping
    • Quests
    • Inventory manipulation
    • NPC manipulation
    • Factions
    • Stats and character manipulation
    • Items, world, and target/reference manipulation


    The commands listed on this page will appear in two types and are accordingly formated: •target.command – Targeted commands. These will either be listed here with targetID or player as target. •Targeted commands also work by selecting the target with the mouse or using prid before the command. •command – Untargeted commands. •Some commands will be noted to be able to both be used either with a target or without one, resulting in a global or targeted effect.


    Targeted commands will require a reference as target usually entered before the actual command, as noted by the separating dot in between. For the majority of functions, a Form ID will be needed. For example, if you want your player character (PC) to be the target, you can: •Use the PC's reference ID: 00000014. •Example: 00000014.additem 000D83BF – Adds 1 Pipe Wrench to the PC's inventory. •Left-click on the PC (while the console is open you will be given a cursor to click on objects/characters in the world to select them as targets), at the console's header " 00000014 [EP] will show up, indicating the ID of your PC as target. Now you can enter any targeted command without needing to enter a target as the console will automatically preface it with your selected ID. To deselect your target, simply click on it again and it will disappear from the header. •Example: additem 000D83BF •Selecting items in difficult environments, and scroll wheel augmented selection: Pointing and left-clicking may not select the expected item when in a crowded environment, or in the presence of items whose boundaries extend beyond their visible edges. When in doubt, verify the selection with non-destructive console commands: •After attempting to click on an NPC, the inv (show inventory) command is a convenient validator. If a plausible inventory is shown, it is very likely that the expected NPC was selected. •After attempting to click on an arbitrary item, the command modpos z 1 can be used to increase the altitude of the selected item by one unit (a few pixels for nearby items; less for more distant items). If the desired item moves up, the selection was successful. Whether successful or not, always reverse the effect of that command by using the command modpos z -1 before doing anything else. (If the item shimmers or is blurry after modpos z -1, that can be fixed by using a command that will not move the item, like modpos z 0.) •If the ID of the item is already known, the ambiguity of mouse selection can be avoided by using the command prid 00000014 (Pick Reference ID) to select a target (the player character, in this example). To deselect it, just enter prid. •Example: prid 00000014; additem 000D83BF •In case of the player character, you can actually just use "player" as a reference ID which the console will automatically convert to 00000014 upon executing the command. This is the only such placeholder in the game, "targetID" is merely a placeholder on this page, to indicate commands which require a target. •Example: player.additem 000D83BF

    Leading zeroes

    Each item, object, character, etc. has an eight character hexadecimal reference ID. When typing IDs, leading zeroes may be omitted. •Example: 00000014.additem 000D83BF is the same as 14.additem D83BF.

    •help – Searches for item IDs, perk names, and even other commands. Use PageUp and PageDown keys or keyboard equivalents to scroll through the console.

    •matchstring: The search term(s).

    •filter: Integer from 0 to 4.

    •0 – List all results.

    •1 – List functions.

    •2 – List settings.

    •SetStage – Moves the quest in your quest log to the indicated quest stage. Recommended command for moving past bugged sections of quests rather than forcing the entire quest to become completed. This command can only set the quest to a further stage; it cannot return you to a stage you have already completed. Input for Quest Stage is an INT; 10, 20, 30, etc.

    •GetStage – Returns the quest's current stage number. Return Value is a 4 digit REAL; 10.00, 20.00, 30.00, etc.

    •sqt – Show Quest Target: Generates a list of current quest targets. Can also be used to find Quest IDs.

    •CompleteQuest – Completes the given quest.

    •ResetQuest – Resets the given quest.

    •Warning: This command can potentially break a quest, with no way to move forward on that quest. This can be due to several parameters of the quest such as being set to "run once" or automatically setting the stage to the highest possible value of that quest whenever the quest is "stopped". One workaround is to create a personal mod using a tool such as FO4Edit that adjusts the quest's parameters to allow for a successful reset. Note that depending on how complex the quest is, there might be a need to mod the quest to allow for a reset, and then after successfully resetting it, editing the mod to restore some or all of the original restrictions (such as restoring "run once" after resetting the quest). It is recommended that one backs up their save files before attempting to perform any quest modding in this manner.

    All of these commands are applicable to both NPCs and the player. Where targetID is shown in the examples, replace it with either the reference ID of an NPC, or the word player (or the number 14) to apply the command to yourself. If targetID and its trailing period (.) are omitted, the commands apply to the currently selected item in the console. The console's selected item may be set manually using the prid command, or interactively by clicking.

    •targetID.addItem – Add to the inventory of targetID the item of type in the quantity (or the default, 1). When targetID is the player, the confirmation message is suppressed when is 1, or shown when 0 or omitted. Use the "help" command to find the form ID.

    •Example: player.addItem 001EC66A 1 to add one of every type of shipment to your inventory. As usual, leading zeros and case are irrelevant, so 1ec66a would also work in this example.

    •Warning: Unlike previous games (such as Skyrim), negative values are not tolerated, and will crash the game. So, use of addItem with a negative is no longer an alternative to removeItem.

    •Flag: Type random numbers (like 1, 2, 3) until you get the kind of armor you want (Standard, Sturdy or Heavy).

    • "ObjectReference.AddItem" – Unlike the console's addItem command, the Papyrus ObjectReference.AddItem function accepts either a form ID or a reference ID as its parameter. When a reference ID is used, it can move a specific in-game item (for example, a piece of armor lying on the ground, and successfully click-selected in the console) into the inventory of targetID. may be entered manually, or the word selected may be used to operate on the console's currently selected item. With a reference ID, must be 1 or omitted (the default is 1, and any other value is treated as 1). With a form ID, may be any value greater than zero. When targetID is the player, the confirmation message is suppressed if is 1 or true; it is shown if is omitted, 0 or false.

    •targetID.kill – Kills the target (unless essential).

    •targetID.resurrect – Resurrects NPCs. Will not work on NPCs who are "scripted" to be dead by default, either through a quest script's effect or an internal data flag.

    •Warning: Be aware that NPCs with crippled limbs/head can spawn without them or with a collection of giblets where the limb/head used to be. Disabling and enabling the NPC again after the resurrect command should fix this. If the NPC is killed after resurrecting them, they may also fail to ragdoll on their second death.

    •Some creatures will not resume their "animated" state when resurrected, and will simply glide along the ground while not moving at all. This is entirely dependent on the race/species of the creature - creatures that always do so include brahmin (both pack and non-pack variants) and Mister Gutsy. Disabling and enabling them again will fix this bug, but when not able to use those commands

    •ShowBarterMenu – Enables you to barter with NPCs.

    •recycleactor – Resets some NPCs.

    •targetID.AddToFaction < 0 or 1> – Adds target to faction, needs to be used with a prefix or target, e.g. player.AddToFaction 0001c21c 1 to add yourself to the player faction. 0=friend, 1=ally.

    •targetID.RemoveFromFaction – Removes target from faction, needs to be used with a prefix or target

    •targetID.removefromallfactions – Removes the target from all factions. Be aware that this will also remove the player character from the "player faction" if used on themself.

    •setally < 0 or 1> <0 or 1> – Makes two factions friendly with each other. 0=friend, 1=ally

    •player.GetValue or player.getav – Prints a report of the current value of a given variable to the console. See list of character variables in this section for examples of what can be used here.

    •player.SetValue or player.setav – Sets actor values to a given amount (S.P.E.C.I.A.L., skills, experience, resistances, action points, health, etc.). Using setav will affect the perk chart and unlock new perks for the player to select from.

    •Example: player.setav speedmult 100 (default)

    •player.ModValue or player.modav – Modify an actor value. S.P.E.C.I.A.L. set using "modav" will change in the Pip Boy but will not affect the Perk chart - use "setav" for this instead. The value will max out at its normal maximum value. A negative number lowers the variable.

    •Example player.modav experience

    •Note: This will provide you with however much experience you enter as the amount. You will receive all levels gained after one level bar fills allowing for perk points to be spent. However, you'll need to allow the bar to fill out all the experience gained; if you enter a second amount before the first is done you'll have to wait for the first amount to finish. Therefore, using this command with too high a number at once (such as exceeding 400,000), is not advisable. You can, however, save and load your game in order to skip the wait.

    This is easiest if you first click on something in the world with the console open to target it. You may also use PickRefById to select an object.

    •GetPlayerGrabbedRef – Gives reference ID of currently held Item (To grab, press and hold E on item and then type command in console)

    •PickRefById or PRID – Same as clicking on a target to select its ID. Useful for manually selecting world items (such as player grabbed items) if the mouse cannot select it. Also, execute (multiple) commands on "invisible" or unreachable targets.

    •Example: prid 3f2bb; moveTo player; – Selects Strong as target (wherever he may be) and then moves him to the player.

    •This works only with "cached" NPCs. Many are: if not, visiting their cell helps.

    •PickLastRef or plr - Picks the last spawned ref. Useful for selecting objects spawned via the console without having to click it afterwards.

  3. 26. Juli 2019 · Ihr könnt ganz bequem per Konsolenbefehle das gewünschte Item herbeizaubern. In diesem Guide findet Ihr alle Befehle und alle Item-IDs für Waffen, Rüstungen, Stats, Begleiter, Erfahrung, Material etc. Konsole öffnen.

    player.additem 0001f66b
    player.additem 0004ce87
    player.additem 0009221c
    player.additem 000ce97d
  4. 23. Apr. 2024 · Um in Fallout 4 Cheats einzugeben, müsst ihr mit der Taste Ö die Konsole im Spiel aufrufen. In der Konsole gebt ihr dann die Cheat-Codes ein und bestätigt mit Enter.

  5. 29. Nov. 2015 · Opening and Using the Console Command Window. The console command window is opened by pressing the tilde key (~) in the upper left corner of the keyboard, under escape (Esc). The window is closed by pressing (~) again. Codes are typed in the bottom left corner and a list of previous commands appears along the left side of the screen.

  6. 8. Mai 2024 · This Fallout 4 Console Commands and Cheats list provides everything you need to know, including how to enable cheat codes on PC to unlock the likes of God Mode and Kill All NPCs, as well as...