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  1. 6. Jan. 2015 · In literal usage, the oblivion indicated by "forget about it" is perhaps of broader scope than the oblivion indicated by "forget it". Eg: forgetting about a number suggests that one is no longer aware even that one is supposed to remember it.

  2. Lernen Sie die Übersetzung für 'Forget\x20about\x20it' in LEOs ­Englisch ⇔ Deutsch­ Wörterbuch. Mit Flexionstabellen der verschiedenen Fälle und Zeiten Aussprache und relevante Diskussionen Kostenloser Vokabeltrainer .

  3. FORGET (ABOUT) IT definition: infmlused to say that something that happened was not important or not something to worry about: . Learn more.

  4. forget it. Overlook it, disregard it. This colloquial imperative, dating from about 1900, is used in several ways. It can mean the same as “don’t mention it” or “you’re welcome,” as in, “‘Thanks for picking me up.’ ‘Forget it, it was no trouble.’”.

  5. Bedeutung von forget (about) it im Englisch forget (about) it infml used to say that something that happened was not important or not something to worry about:

  6. Answer. Lothar has asked a very good question: what's the difference between forget and forget about? Forget about is used with a couple specific senses of forget . In the following senses, the use of about is optional. When forget is used to mean "to stop thinking or caring about (someone)":

  7. Forget it! Vergiss es! [Daraus wird nichts!] About earlier, can we just forget what happened? Wegen eben, können wir einfach vergessen, was passiert ist? Let's forget it! Schwamm drüber! Don't you forget it! Steck dir das hinter den Spiegel! [Redewendung] Accept it or forget it! Nimm es an oder vergiss es! How could I forget it. Wie könnte ...