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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. James "Jim" Gordon is portrayed by Gary Oldman in Nolan's film series. A stern and moral officer, Gordon initially loses hope of protecting Gotham when he sees just how corrupt it is with a majority of the police department answering to the mob. He finds newfound hope though in the appearance of...

  2. The Dark Knight. Batman und Gordon beginnen mit zunehmendem Erfolg, das Verbrechen in Gotham City zu bekämpfen und bringen unter Anderem Scarecrow hinter Gitter, als plötzlich ein geheimnisvoller Krimineller erscheint, nur bekannt als Joker. Durch ihn wird eine neue Welle des Chaos und der Anarchie in der Stadt verursacht.

  3. Commissioner James Gordon ist einer von Batmans Verbündeten. Jim Gordon wurde, genau wie seine Schwester Thelma, in Chicago geboren, über seine Kindheit und Jugend ist jedoch nichts weiter bekannt. Nach seiner Zeit beim Militär, wo er zum Einzelkämpfer ausgebildet wurde, schlug er eine Laufbahn…

  4. In The Dark Knight (2008), Gordon is leading the GCPD Major Crimes Unit and forms a tenuous alliance with Batman and the newly elected district attorney Harvey Dent (Aaron Eckhart) to take down Gotham's organized crime syndicates.

  5. Commissioner James W. "Jim" Gordon is one of Gotham City's few honest police officers and a long-time ally of the Batman. James Gordon enlisted in the United States Marine Corps, and/or the Army, and fought a war overseas. Gordon later joined the Chicago Police Department, but he took the blame...

  6. The Dark Knight Rises. Actor/Actress. Portrayed by. Gary Oldman. "There's a point far out there, when the structures fail you. When the rules aren't weapons anymore, they're shackles, letting the bad guy get ahead. One day, you may face such a moment of crisis. And in that moment, I hope you have a friend like I did!

  7. GCPD Commissioner James Gordon is the Dark Knight's greatest ally, and one of his closest friends. Batman may be the sworn guardian of Gotham City, but the man who makes it possible for the Dark Knight to safeguard its streets is James Gordon.