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  1. Winchester Castle ist eine teilweise erhaltene, mittelalterliche Burg in Winchester in der englischen Grafschaft Hampshire. Sie wurde 1067 errichtet. Nur der Rittersaal ist bis heute erhalten, in dem jetzt ein Museum der Geschichte der Stadt Winchester untergebracht ist.

  2. Winchester Castle is a medieval building in Winchester, Hampshire, England. It was founded in 1067. Only the Great Hall still stands; it houses a museum of the history of Winchester.

  3. Built by William the Conqueror, Winchester Castle was the seat of power of medieval monarchs. The Great Hall, one of the finest medieval halls in England, and the Westgate, which served as the castle’s primary defence, are now the sole survivors of this once magnificent historical site.

  4. 28. Juni 2018 · Winchester Castle includes The Great Hall, The Round Table and Queen Eleanor's Garden - see individual entries for more details.

  5. In der 1079 errichteten Kathedrale von Winchester finden sich neben dem Grab der Schriftstellerin auch die Königsgräber von Egbert von Wessex, Canute und William Rufus. Winchester Castle stammt aus der Regierungszeit William des Eroberers.

  6. 4. März 2021 · Winchester Castle is a medieval building in Winchester, Hampshire. The Great Hall, “one of the finest surviving aisled halls of the 13th century”, contains the greatest symbol of medieval mythology, King Arthur ’s Round Table, and is all that now remains of Winchester Castle.

  7. Winchester Castle holds a prominent position in English history. It was built in 1067, within a year of the Norman Conquest. At the time, it was one of the greatest strongholds in England, and for over a century it served as the seat of government before that position was taken by London.